Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. American Muslims and the state: contexts and contentions
  • 3. American Muslim women in the age of Trump (and beyond)
  • 4. The unbearable whiteness of being Middle Eastern: causes and effects of the racialization of Middle Eastern Americans
  • 5. What is more 'American' to do when the FBI knocks on your door? Muslim Americans' debates on engagement with law enforcement
  • 6. Muslim expectations of U.S. law enforcement behavior
  • 7. The 9/11 mosque and partisan polarization
  • 8. Priming identity, framing community: Christians, Muslims, and intergroup trust
  • 9. Performance politics: negotiating Muslim and American identities
  • 10. Gauging political tolerance through a list experiment: findings from a survey of Muslim Americans
  • 11. Best practices for gathering public opinion data among Muslim Americans
  • 12. Conclusions and new directions for the study of Muslim Americans.