
Hands-On Full Stack Web Development with Angular 6 and Laravel 5 : Become Fluent in Both Frontend and Backend Web Development with Docker, Angular and Laravel.

This book will help you gain practical knowledge of building modern full-stack web apps from scratch using Angular with a Laravel back end. You will learn the most important technical facets of developing with Angular and Laravel, and demonstrates how to put those skills into practice.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Monteiro, Fernando
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2018.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Dedication;; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Understanding the Core Concepts of Laravel 5; Setting up the environment; Installing Composer package manager; Installing Docker; Configuring; Setting up PHPDocker and Laravel; Installing VS Code text editor; The basic architecture of Laravel applications; Laravel directory structure; The MVC flow; Laravel application life cycle; Artisan command-line interface; MVC and routes; Creating models; Creating controllers; Creating views; Creating routes.
  • Connecting with a databaseSetting up the database inside a Docker container; Creating a migrations file and database seed; Using the resource flag to create CRUD methods; Creating the Blade template engine; Summary; Chapter 2: The Benefits of TypeScript; Installing TypeScript; Creating a TypeScript project; Benefits of TypeScript; Writing JavaScript code with static types; Creating a tuple; Using the void type; The opt-out type checking
  • any; Using enum; Using the never type; Types: undefined and null; Understanding interfaces, classes, and generics in TypeScript; Creating a class.
  • Declaring an interfaceCreating generic functions; Working with modules; Using the class export feature; Importing and using external classes ; Summary; Chapter 3: Understanding the Core Concepts of Angular 6; Angular 6
  • smaller, faster, and easier; Angular and the component method for developing modern web applications; Angular's main building blocks; The component life cycle; Installing the tools
  • Git, the Angular CLI, and VS Code plugins; Installing Git; Installing the Angular CLI; Installing VS Code Angular plugins; Creating a simple Angular application.
  • The structure of an Angular application The package.json file ; Dotfiles
  • editorconfig, .gitignore, and .angular-cli.json; Environments; Running the sample application; Adding a new module; Adding a new component; Adding a new route ; Creating an Angular service; Template data binding ; Simple deployment; Summary; Chapter 4: Building the Baseline Backend Application; Additional notes about Laravel with Docker; Creating the Docker Compose foundation; Configuring nginx; Configuring php-fpm; Creating a docker-compose configuration file; Building the application container.
  • Using PHP Composer to scaffold a Laravel applicationCreating the application scaffold; Running the application; Setting up a MySQL database; Adding a storage folder; Configuring the .env file; Using a MySQL external client; Migrations and database seed; Creating the migration boilerplate; Creating our first database seed; Exploring the Workbench table view; API documentation with the Swagger framework; Installing the L5-Swagger library; Creating the application API controller; Generating and publishing the API documentation; Adding Swagger definitions; Summary.
  • Chapter 5: Creating a RESTful API Using Laravel
  • Part 1.