Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Contents; Introduction; PART: ONE; 1 Flight to the east; 2 Into Siberia; 3 â#x80;#x98;Put down your guns!â#x80;#x99;; PART: TWO; 4 Boy from the Komsomol; 5 Gathering the team; 6 Computers and banks; 7 August 1991; 8 Sale of the century?; 9 Consolidating the gains; PART: THREE; 10 New man in the Kremlin; 11 Buying up the Duma?; 12 Igor Sechin and the â#x80;#x98;strongmenâ#x80;#x99;; 13 Showdown in the Kremlin; 14 Looking for trouble; 15 Pipelines and provocation; 16 Open Russia; 17 Friends in the West; PART: FOUR; 18 The Family and the Siloviki; 19 More arrests; 20 Yukos and the struggle for Russia.
  • 21 A Kremlin double-cross?22 Exile or gaol; 23 Americans in town; 24 The ExxonMobil gaffe; 25 A final plea?; 26 Arrest in Siberia; PART: FIVE; 27 Counting the cost; 28 Trying to stay afloat; 29 The Abramovich connection; 30 The Kremlin explains; 31 Fight or flight; 32 Khodorkovsky shunned; PART: SIX; 33 â#x80;#x98;Just like Al Caponeâ#x80;#x99;; 34 Justice on trial; 35 The murder business; 36 The Chechen connection; 37 Hostages?; 38 In the camps; 39 Prophet in a prison cell; 40 A battle of Titans; PART: SEVEN; 41 The UK connection; 42 The British troika; 43 A Canadian gambit; 44 The Brits bite back.
  • 45 Cashing in the profits46 The startled accountants; 47 Traitors in the ranks?; 48 Hope; 49 Hope abandoned; 50 Light at the end of a disaster?