
The Energy Map : How to Activate What Matters Most with Your Team.

An inspiring, practical and progress-oriented blueprint for energetic achievement. Amid constant swirl, uncertainty, and complexity is your team capable of doing big things? Too often people are pulled together, labeled a "team," given a directive, and expected to deliver results quickly....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Ross, Craig
Otros Autores: Paccione, Angela V., Roberts, Victoria L.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Do Big Things : The Simple Steps Teams can Take to Mobilize Hearts and Minds, and Make an Epic Impact; Contents; Read Me First; 1: Teams That Do Big Things; Why Many Teams Can't Do Big Things Today; Is Your Team's Whole Heart in It?; How Legendary Teams Succeed in Doing Big Things; Going Deeper Than Behavior Basics; A System for Creating the Thinking, Actions, and Outcomes Necessary for Success; The Do Big Things Framework; The DBT Framework From 30,000 Feet; What Success Looks Like; The Important Requirement of You; 2: Teams That Flatline; A Team in Trouble.
  • The End of Teamwork (As We Know It)A Big Story to Tell; 3: Commit to the Human Imperative; Respect Is Not Enough; What It Means to Make an Epic Impact; What the Human Imperative Sounds Like; How to Determine the Team's Human Imperative; When the Big Things of Two Different Teams Collide; When We Are Exponentially More Effective; 4: Embody Success (and Leverage Failure); Your Team Either Has Confidence-Or It Doesn't; Preparing for Success; Who's in Control of Your Team's Confidence?; How to Put Intrinsic Motivations Into Action; How to Leverage Failure; Accountability Reflex Assessment.
  • Staying Inspired When the Team Misses Their TargetHow to Know If You're on a Team That Embodies Success; When the Future Becomes Now; 5: Choose to Contribute, Activate, and Connect Across the Business; Teams That Do Big Things Make Three Big Decisions; The Contributor Decision; The Activator Decision; The Connector Decision; Your Most Important Role; Doing Big Things Is an All-The-Time Thing; The Contributor Decision: A Closer Look; How to Make the Contributor Decision More Consistently; The Activator Decision: A Closer Look; How to Make the Activator Decision More Consistently.
  • The Connector Decision: A Closer LookHow to Make the Connector Decision More Consistently; Do-Or-Die Teamwork; 6: Exercise Your Barrier-Breaking Authority; The Barriers to Success; Authority: Take It or Leave It; Teams That Forfeit Their Authority; Teams That Exercise Their Authority; Using the Contributor Decision to Break Through Barriers; Using the Activator Decision to Break Through Barriers; Using the Connector Decision to Break Through Barriers; The Path to Doing Big Things Is Open; 7: Focus on What Matters; Distracted, Hopelessly Stressed, and Disconnected Teams; What Matters Most.
  • How to Focus on What Matters: the 3 Mind FactorsMind Factor #1: The Mind Can Only Focus on One Thought at a Time; Mind Factor #2: The Mind Cannot Avoid a Don't; Mind Factor #3: The Mind Goes Toward Its Focus; Collecting Evidence to Prove You Can't Succeed; The Doofus Principle; How to End Doofusing; We Need Each Other; 8: Energize Around a Shared Reality; How to Energize the Team Around a Shared Reality: The Energy Map; Stop Trying to Be So Positive; Leveraging the Back Side of the Energy Map to Develop the Team's Ability to Move Forward.