Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""A Synthesis of A Posteriori Error Estimation Techniques for Conforming, Non-Conforming and Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods""; ""Averaging Techniques for Reliable and Efficient A Posteriori Finite Element Error Control: Analysis and Applications""; ""Adaptive Computation with PML for Time-harmonic Scattering Problems""; ""Recent Progress on A-posteriori Error Analysis for the p and h-p Finite Element Methods""; ""Adaptive Mortar Edge Element Methods in Electromagnetic Field Computation""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. The Hilbert spaces H(curl
  • Ω), H(div Ω) and its trace spaces""; ""3. Macrohybrid formulation of the eddy currents equation""; ""4. Mortar edge element approximations""; ""5. Multilevel iterative solution methods""; ""6. Residual-type a posteriori error estimators""; ""7. Numerical Results""; ""References""; ""Adaptive Multi-Meshes in Finite Element Approximation of Optimal Control""; ""Maximum Norm Error Estimates for the Finite Element Method Allowing Highly Refined Grids""; ""Moving Mesh Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Interpolation free MMM""
  • ""3. MMM using interpolation I: finite element approach""""4. MMM using interpolation II: finite volume approach""; ""5. Application I: incompressible flow simulations""; ""6. Application II: hyperbolic conservation laws""; ""7. Concluding remarks""; ""References""; ""A Conservative Scheme for 2D and 3D Adaptive Semi-Lagrangian Advection""; ""An Optimal Streamline Diffusion Finite Element Method for a Singularly Perturbed Problem""; ""A Posteriori Error Estimates of Mixed Methods for Two Phase Flow Problems""
  • ""Reduced-order Modeling of Navier-Stokes Equations via Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation""""A Two-mesh Superconvergence Method for Mesh Adaptivity""; ""Adaptive Moving Mesh Modeling for Two Dimensional Groundwater Flow and Transport""; ""Adaptive Computation of the Corner Singularity with the Monotone Jump Condition Capturing Scheme""; ""Adaptive Mesh Refinement and its Application to Magneto-Hydrodynamics""; ""An Immersed Finite Element Method for Elasticity Equations with Interfaces""; ""Derivative Superconvergence of Equilateral Triangular Finite Elements""
  • ""A Splitting Moving Mesh Method for 3-D Quenching and Blow-Up Problems""""An Adaptive Algorithm for Ordinary, Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations""; ""Recovery Type A Posteriori Error Estimate for Distributed Convex Optimal Control Problems Governed by Integral-differential Equations""; ""A Mortar Element Method for Coupling Natural Boundary Element Method and Finite Element Method for Unbounded Domain Problem""; ""Robust and Efficient Adaptive Moving Mesh Solution of the 2-D Euler Equations""