Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Construction of new toric quantum codes""; ""On the calculation of the linear complexity of periodic sequences""; ""A few more functions that are not APN infinitely often""; ""An APN permutation in dimension six""; ""CCZ-equivalence of single and multi output Boolean functions""; ""Structural weaknesses of permutations with a low differential uniformity and generalized crooked functions""; ""Solvability of systems of polynomial equations with some prescribed monomials""; ""Character sums in finite fields""
  • ""Monomial functions with linear structure and permutation polynomials""""Primitive elements on lines in extensions of finite fields""; ""Commutative semifields of order 243 and 3125""; ""Normal elliptic bases and torus-based cryptography""; ""Unitary superperfect binary polynomials""; ""Shift-invariant polynomials and Ritts Second Theorem""; ""Waring's problem in finite fields with Dickson polynomials""; ""Jacobi sums and irreducible polynomials with prescribed trace and restricted norm""; ""A family of binary sequences from interleaved construction and their cryptographic properties""
  • ""Sziklai's conjecture on the number of points of a plane curve over a finite field II""""Folded algebraic-geometric codes from Galois extensions""; ""A multilinear generalization of the Tate pairing""; ""The merit factor of binary sequence families constructed from m-sequences""; ""Intractable problems in cryptography""; ""Modular curves and coding theory: A survey""; ""Minimal generating sets of Weierstrass semigroups of certain m-tuples on the norm-trace function field""; ""On the zeta functions of an optimal tower of function fields over F4""
  • ""The asymptotic theory of algebraic-geometry codes""""A spectrum result on maximal partial ovoids of the generalized quadrangle Q(4, q), q odd""; ""Cyclic codes aspects of bent functions""