
The Psalms as Christian Lament.

The Psalms as Christian Lament, a companion volume to The Psalms as Christian Worship, uniquely blends verse-by-verse commentary with a history of Psalms interpretation in the church from the time of the apostles to the present. Bruce Waltke, James Houston, and Erika Moore examine ten lament psalms,...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Waltke, Bruce K.
Otros Autores: Houston, James M., Moore, Erika
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2014.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Prologue; 1. The Psalms as the Christian's Lament; I. The Importance of Lament in the Psalter; II. The Loss and Gain of Lament in Our Western Society; III. Lament in a Post-Critical Culture; IV. Biblical Causes for Lament; V. The Old Testament Context for Lament; VI. The Penitential Psalms; 2. Psalm 5: A Royal Petition for Protection from Malicious Liars; Part I. Voice of the Church; I. Introduction; II. Lament of the Scholar Monk, Jerome; III. Jerome's Interpretation of Psalm 5; IV. The Continuing Influence of Jerome.
  • Part II. Voice of the Psalmist: TranslationPart III. Commentary; I. Introduction; II. Exegesis; Part IV. Conclusion; 3. Psalm 6: Pursuit of Moral Excellence; Part I. Voice of the Church; I. Gregory of Nyssa; II. The Anagogy of "the Eighth Day"; III. The Pursuit of Excellence; IV. Gregory's Interpretation of Psalm 6; V. Conclusion; Part II. Voice of the Psalmist: TranslationA Royal Petition for Vindication by Salvation from Death; Part III. Commentary; I. Introduction; II. Exegesis; Part IV. Conclusion; 4. Psalm 7: A Royal Petition for Cosmic Justice; Part I. Voice of the Church.
  • I. IntroductionII. The Words of Cush the Benjamite; III. Literary and Contemporary Assassinations of David; IV. The Exemplary Pastoral Theology of John Chrysostom; V. Chrysostom's Commentary on Psalm 7; VI. Charlemagne (c. 742-812); VII. Alcuin (735-804); VIII. Alfred the Great (c. 849-899); Part II. Voice of the Psalmist: Translation; Part III. Commentary; I. Introduction; II. Exegesis; Part IV. Conclusion; 5. Psalm 32: Forgiveness for the Justified; Part I. Voice of the Church; I. Introduction; II. Augustine's Hermeneutic of Divine Grace; III. The Augustinian "Paul" in Psalm 32.
  • IV. Augustine's Exposition of Psalm 32Part II. Voice of the Psalmist: Translation; Part III. Commentary; I. Introduction; II. Exegesis; Part IV. Conclusion; I. Doctrine of Sin; II. Doctrine of Punishment; III. Doctrine of Forgiveness; IV. Doctrine of Double Agency; 6. Psalm 38: The Dance between Deserved and Undeserved Suffering; Part I. Voice of the Church; I. Introduction; II. Ambrose as a Mystagogical Interpreter; III. Augustine (354-430) as Interpreter of the "Whole Christ"; IV. Theodore of Mopsuestia (350-429); V. Theodoret of Cyrrhus (393-460); VI. Cassiodorus's Use of Job in Psalm 38.
  • VII. Medieval Penitential CommentariesPart II. Voice of the Psalmist: Translation; Part III. Commentary; I. Introduction; II. Exegesis; Part IV. Conclusion; 7. Psalm 39: The Lament of Silence in the Pastoral Theology of Erasmus; Part I. Voice of the Church; I. The Hermeneutic of Lay Nourishment; II. Erasmus as a Pastoral Theologian; III. Erasmus' Use of Psalm 39 as a Pastoral Theology; IV. Erasmus' Commentary on Psalm 39; Part II. The Voice of the Psalmist: Translation; Part III. Commentary; I. Introduction; II. Exegesis; Part IV. Conclusion; 8. Psalm 44: Lament in National Catastrophe.