Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The mobile context : a user-centered approach to mobile strategy for libraries / Edward Bilodeau
  • The development of an academic library's mobile website / Junior Tidal
  • A mobile-first library site redesign : how designing for mobile provides a better user experience for all / Nathan E. Carlson, Alec Sonsteby, and Jennifer DeJonghe
  • Selfie as guide : using mobile devices to promote active learning and student engagement / Sarah LeMire, Stacy Gilbert, Stephanie Graves, and Tiana Faultry-Okonkwo
  • Beyond passive learning : utilizing active learning tools for engagement, reflection, and creation / Teresa E. Maceira and Danitta A. Wong
  • Getting meta with Marlon : integrating mobile technology into information literacy instruction / Regina Lee Roberts and Mattie Taormina
  • Clinical resources for the digital physician : case study and discussion of teaching mobile technology to undergraduate medical students / Maureen (Molly) Knapp, MA, AHIP
  • Mobile technology support for field research / Wayne Johnston
  • From start to finish : mobile tools to assist librarian researchers / Mae-Linh Lae
  • A novel application : using mobile technology to connect physical and virtual reference collections / Hailie D. Posey
  • Adding apps to our collections : a pilot project / Willie Miller, Yoo Young Lee, and Caitlin Pike
  • Tablets on the floor : a peer-to-peer roaming service at Atkins Library / Barry Falls, Beth Martin, and Abby Moore
  • Using proximity beacons and the physical web to promote library research and instructional services / Jordan M. Nielsen and Keven M. Jeffery
  • Gamification using mobile technology in the classroom : a positive benchmark for the future of higher education
  • Bringing texts to life : an augmented reality application for supporting the development of information literacy skills / Yusuke Ishimura and Martin Masek
  • Virtual reality library environments / Jim Hahn
  • Wearable technologies in academic libraries : fact, fiction, and the future / Ayyoub Ajmi and Michael J. Robak.