
Carbon dioxide capture and acid gas injection /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Wu, Ying (Petroleum engineer) (Editor ), Carroll, John J., 1958- (Editor ), Zhu, Weiyao (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2017.
Colección:Advances in natural gas engineering.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; 1 Enthalpies of Carbon Dioxide-Methane and Carbon Dioxide-Nitrogen Mixtures: Comparison with Thermodynamic Models; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Enthalpy; 1.3 Literature Review; 1.3.1 Carbon Dioxide-Methane; 1.3.2 Carbon Dioxide-Nitrogen; 1.4 Calculations; 1.4.1 Benedict-Webb-Rubin; 1.4.2 Lee-Kesler; 1.4.3 Soave-Redlich-Kwong; 1.4.4 Peng-Robinson; 1.4.5 AQUAlibrium; 1.5 Discussion; 1.6 Conclusion; References; 2 Enthalpies of Hydrogen Sulfide-Methane Mixture: Comparison with Thermodynamic Models; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Enthalpy.
  • 2.3 Literature Review2.4 Calculations; 2.4.1 Lee-Kesler; 2.4.2 Benedict-Webb-Rubin; 2.4.3 Soave-Redlich-Kwong; 2.4.4 Redlich-Kwong; 2.4.5 Peng-Robinson; 2.4.6 AQUAlibrium; 2.5 Discussion; 2.6 Conclusion; References; 3 Phase Behavior and Reaction Thermodynamics Involving Dense-Phase CO2 Impurities; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Experimental; 3.3 Results and Discussion; 3.3.1 Phase Behavior Studies of SO2 Dissolved in Dense CO2 Fluid; 3.3.2 The Densimetric Properties of CS2 and CO2 Mixtures; References; 4 Sulfur Recovery in High Density CO2 Fluid; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Literature Review.
  • 4.3 Methodology4.4 Results and Discussion; 4.5 Conclusion and Future Directions; References; 5 Carbon Capture Performance of Seven Novel Immidazolium and Pyridinium Based Ionic Liquids; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Experimental Work; 5.2.1 Materials; 5.2.2 Density Measurement; 5.2.3 Solubility Measurement; 5.3 Modeling; 5.3.1 Calculation of Henry's Law Constants; 5.3.2 Critical Properties Calculations; 5.3.3 Peng Robinson EoS; 5.4 Results and Discussion; 5.4.1 Density; 5.4.2 Critical Properties; 5.4.3 CO2 Solubility; 5.4.4 The Effect of Changing the Cation; 5.4.5 The Effect of Changing the Anion.
  • 5.4.6 Henry's Law Constant, Enthalpy and Entropy Calculations5.4.7 Thermodynamic Modeling of CO2 Solubility; 5.5 Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 6 Vitrisol® a 100% Selective Process for H2S Removal in the Presence of CO2; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Case Definition; 6.3 "Amine-Treated" Cases by PPS; 6.3.1 Introduction to PPS; 6.3.2 Process Description; 6.3.3 PFD; 6.3.4 Results; Case 1; Case 2; 6.4 Vitrisol® Process Extended with Regeneration of Active Component; 6.4.1 Technology Description; 6.4.2 Parameters Determining the Process Boundary Conditions.
  • 6.4.3 Absorption Section6.4.4 Regeneration Section; 6.4.5 Sulphur Recovery Section; 6.4.6 CO2-Absorber; 6.4.7 PFD; 6.5 Results; 6.6 Discussion; 6.6.1 Comparison of Amine Treating Solutions to Vitrisol®; 6.6.2 Enhanced H2S Removal of Barnett Shale Gas (case 2); 6.7 Conclusions; 6.8 Notation; References; Appendix 6-A: H & M Balance of Case 1 (British Columbia shale) of the Amine Process; Appendix 6-B H & M Balance of Case 2a (Barnett shale) of the Amine Process with Stripper Promoter; Appendix 6-C H & M Balance of Case 3 (Barnett shale) of the Amine Process (MEA).