
Object-Oriented JavaScript - Third Edition.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Antani, Ved
Otros Autores: Stefanov, Stoyan
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2016.
Edición:3rd ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Copyright; Credits; About the Authors; About the Reviewer;; Customer Feedback; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Object-Oriented JavaScript; A bit of history; Browser wars and renaissance; The present; The future; ECMAScript 5; Strict mode in ES6; ECMAScript 6; Browser support for ES6; Babel; Object-oriented programming; Objects; Classes; Encapsulation; Aggregation; Inheritance; Polymorphism; OOP summary; Setting up your training environment; WebKit's web inspector; JavaScriptCore on a Mac; More consoles; Summary.
  • Chapter 2: Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and ConditionsVariables; Variables are case sensitive; Operators; Primitive data types; Finding out the value type
  • the typeof operator; Numbers; Octal and hexadecimal numbers; Binary Literals; Exponent literals; Infinity; NaN; Number.isNaN; Number.isInteger; Strings; String conversions; Special strings; String template literals; Booleans; Logical operators; Operator precedence; Lazy evaluation; Comparison; Undefined and null; Symbols; Primitive data types recap; Arrays; Adding/updating array elements; Deleting elements; Arrays of arrays.
  • Conditions and loopsCode blocks; The if condition; The else clause; Checking if a variable exists; Alternative if syntax; Switch; Don't forget to break; Loops; While loops; Do-while loops; For loops; For ... in loops; Comments; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 3: Functions; What is a function?; Calling a function; Parameters; Default parameters; Rest parameters; Spread operators; Predefined functions; parseInt(); parseFloat(); isNaN(); isFinite(); Encode/decode URIs; eval(); A bonus
  • the alert() function; Scope of variables; Variable hoisting; Block scope; Functions are data; Anonymous functions.
  • Callback functionsCallback examples; Immediate functions; Inner (private) functions; Functions that return functions; Function, rewrite thyself!; Closures; Scope chain; Breaking the chain with a closure; Closure #1; Closure #2; A definition and closure #3; Closures in a loop; Getter and setter; Iterator; IIFE versus blocks; Arrow functions; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 4: Objects; From arrays to objects; Elements, properties, methods, and members; Hashes and associative arrays; Accessing an object's properties; Calling an object's methods; Altering properties/methods; Using the this value.
  • Constructor functionsThe global object; The constructor property; The instanceof operator; Functions that return objects; Passing objects; Comparing objects; Objects in the WebKit console; Logging using the console.log method; ES6 object literals; Object properties and attributes; ES6 object methods; [Copy properties using Object.assign]; Copy properties using Object.assign; Compare values with; Destructuring; Built-in objects; Object; Array; A few array methods; ES6 array methods; Array.from; Creating arrays using Array.of; Array.prototype methods; Function.