
The Victories Of The British Armies - Vol. I : With Anecdotes Illustrative Of Modern Warfare. By the author of ""Stories of Waterloo""

The British Army gained a coalesced identity and a European reputation from its exploits in the Peninsular War against the much vaunted French army. A veteran of the fighting himself, Sir William recounts the exploits and deeds of the British army from the battle-fields strewn across Portugal and Sp...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Maxwell, Sir William Hamilton
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: San Francisco : Lucknow Books, 2013.
Colección:Victories Of The British Armies.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • CHAPTER I.-INDIA; Introduction.-State of England, military and political.-India.-Critical situation of British interests.-Marquis Wellesley appointed to the Government.-His measures.-War declared.-Tippoo attacks the army of Cannanore.-Seringapatam invested.-Stormed by GeneTippoo killed by an Irish soldier.; CHAPTER II.-ASSAYE.; Effect of Tippoo's death upon the Native Princes.-Dhoondia's rise and fall.-War between Scindia and Holkar.
  • Their differences accommodated.-Hostilities commence again.-Operations.-Camp at Assaye.-Battle.-Death of Colonel Maxwell.-Results of the victory atHe returns to England. CHAPTER III.-EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION.; British army employed in useless expeditions.-Finally ordered to Egypt.-Voyage thither Arrival in the Bay of Aboukir.-Preparations for disembarkation.-Landing.-Attack and repulse of the French Sir Ralph Abercrombie advances-forces the French position-atteFalls back, and takes up a position.; CHAPTER IV.-BATTLE OF ALEXANDRIA.
  • French position.-The English fortify their camp.-Occurrences.-Menou attacks the British lines.-Battle of the 21st.-The English commander wounded.-Casualties of both armies.-Remarks.-Death of Sir Ralph Abercrombie. CHAPTER V.-CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.; Expedition to the Cape.-Troops employed.-Occurrences during the voyage.-Fleet arrives on the coast of Africa.-Cape described.-Its garrison.-Janssens' plans.-Landing delayed.-Effected on the 6th-Action with the Batavian army.-Total defeat of Janssens.-AdvaColony surrendered.; CHAPTER VI.-MAIDA.
  • British troops sent to the Continent.-Failure of the expedition to Gottenburgh.-State of Portugal.-An array despatched to assist in its deliverance, -Lands in Mondego bay.-Advance of the British-Movements of the French.-Village of Roliça Battle.-Anecdotes Arrival of reinforcements. CHAPTER VIII.-VIMIERO.; Vimiero.-Interview between the British Generals ends unsatisfactorily.-Junot unites his brigades, and advances.-Battle of Vimiero.-Burrard refuses to advance.-Observations.; CHAPTER IX.-CAMPAIGN OF SIR JOHN MOORE.