Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Language Acquisition Beyond Parameters; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Preface and acknowledgements; L2 acquisition; 1. Parameters and beyond; 2. Features and crossroads L1/L2; 3. Word order and complex structures; 4. Monolingual and bilingual first language acquisition; References; Part 1. Parameters and beyond; Pro-drop then and now; 1. Introduction; 2. Phase I: The parameter; 2.1 The null subject parameter; 2.2 Research on the null subject parameter in L2; 3. Phase II: Morphological licensing of null subjects; 3.1 Morphological Uniformity; 3.2 Features.
  • 3.3 Null subjects and root infinitives4. Phase III: Null subjects and discourse; 5. Conclusion; References; Reference comprehension and production in bilingual Spanish; 1. Introduction; 2. Pronominal dependencies in discourse; 2.1 Pronoun reference in Spanish and Moroccan Arabic; 2.2 The acquisition of pronoun reference; 3. Goals and research questions; 4. Experiment 1: Production data; 4.1 Participants; 4.2 Procedure; 4.3 Coding criteria; 4.4 Results; 5. Experiment 2: Interpretation data; 5.1 Participants; 5.2 Procedure and materials; 5.3 Results; 6. Discussion and conclusions.
  • AcknowledgementsReferences; Part 2. Features and crossroads L1/L2; When masculine as default supercedes L1 transfer; 1. Introduction; 2. Grammatical gender in Spanish and German; 3. Previous research; 3.1 Representation of gender systems in the bilingual mental lexicon; 3.2 L1 transfer in L2 gender; 3.3 Masculine as default in L2; 3.4 Gender use in code-switched DPs; 4. Method; 4.1 Participants; 4.2 Design; 4.3 Materials; 4.4 Procedure; 5. Results; 5.1 Data; 5.2 General results; 5.3 Error analysis; 5.4 Accuracy rates; 5.5 Reaction times (RTs); 6. Discussion; 7. Conclusion; References.
  • L2 knowledge of gender and number agreement in Spanish noun ellipsis1. Introduction; 2. Background: The acquisition of gender and functional features; 3. Noun ellipsis in Spanish; 4. Methodology; 4.1 Participants; 4.2 Tasks; 4.2.1 Production task; 4.2.2 Grammaticality judgment task; 5. Results; 5.1 Production task; 5.2 Grammaticality judgment task; 5.3 Individual Results; 6. Discussion and conclusions; References; Not just algunos, but indeed unos L2ers can acquire scalar implicatures in L2 Spanish; 1. Introduction; 2. (Scalar) implicatures.
  • 2.1 Spanish plural indefinites with contrasting properties: Algunos and unos3. Acquisition of scalar implicatures; 3.1 Child monolinguals; 3.2 Adult L2 Acquisition; 4. The present study; 4.1 Research questions and hypotheses; 4.2 Methodology; 4.2.1 Participants; 4.2.2 Materials; 5. Results; 5.1 Statistical models; 6. Discussion; 7. Conclusion; References; Part 3. Word order and complex structures; Comprehension of subject and object relative clauses by second language learners of Spanish; 1. Introduction; 1.1 Relative clauses in English and Spanish; 2. Method; 2.1 Participants; 2.2 Tasks.