Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments; Introduction-The Double Voice; Chapter 1; A Brocade of Words: Theories of Poetic Imitation; Chapter 2; The Reciprocal Origins of Pentasyllabic Verse and of Imitation Poetry; Chapter 3; Impersonation and the Art of Authorship; Chapter 4; Echoing through the Rafters: The Afterlife of Jian'an; Chapter 5; Self-Portrait as Sea Anemone, and Other Impersonations of Jiang Yan; Chapter 6 ; Jiang Yan's Allusive and Illusive Journeys; Chapter 7; Pathways in Obscurity: Jiang Yan and Ruan Ji; Appendix; Jiang Yan's Poems in Diverse Forms; Works Cited ; Index.