
The Power of Positive Destruction.

It's no longer good enough to build a company to last; today it's about building a company to ignite change. The Power of Positive Destruction reveals how to start a new business, disrupt an industry, and adapt to changing environments by leveraging technology and a new mindset. Serial ent...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Merrin, Seth
Otros Autores: Adler, Carlye
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Somerset : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The Power of Positive Destruction; Contents; Acknowledgments; About the Authors; Introduction: Problems and Opportunities are Two Sides of a Coin; Part 1 The Idea; Chapter 1 Any Industry Can Be Disrupted-Positively; The Next Great Idea Comes from Anywhere; Where Can You Find the edge?; What's Israel and Irrigation Got to Do with It?; Notes; Chapter 2 Ask WTF; When opportunity knocks, take It; If You Find the problem, Find the Solution; Business Is Just a Set of Problems to Solve; Notes; Part 2 Leading the Innovation; Chapter 3 Create an Unfair Competitive Advantage; Stacking the Deck.
  • Getting Started on My OwnLearning on the Job Is One Way to Do It . . .; Price Right; Out of Control; Beyond Your Control; If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail; Sell, Sell, Sell; Notes; Chapter 4 What Do I Do Now?; It's So Easy to Get Disrupted; The Curse of the S Curve; The Best Way to Predict the Future Is to Invent It; Our S Curve; Just Say No; Notes; Chapter 5 Business Is a Series of Problems to Solve; Don't Invest In Something You Know Nothing About; Show Me the Money; Know When to Pack It In; You Can Learn a Lot from Failing; Notes; Chapter 6 Develop Your Unique Selling Proposition.
  • Learn from Others' FailuresValidate Your Idea with "Smart Money"; Building Credibility Circles; Overcoming the No-Go Issues; The 100 Million Question; Make It Super Simple; Notes; Part 3 Shaking up the Market; Chapter 7 Launching a Company Is Both Art and Science; Old Habits Are Hard to Break; How to Get the First Customers to Sign: Sell in Groups; Technology-It Gets Better with Age; Expect the Unexpected; Things You Don't Learn in Business School; Membership Has Its Privileges; Grow Quickly or Die; Note; Chapter 8 Negotiation Skills: Can't Be in Business without Them.
  • Choose Your Board Members WiselyBecoming Relevant; Welcome New Members; When Everyone Hates You; Cultivating Friends; Don't Just Catch Up-Leapfrog; Walk Away; It Was the Best of Times; Part 4 Driving the Revolution; Chapter 9 No Tree Grows to the Sky; Call in Connections; The Thing About Market Forces; Remember the Ripple Effect; What to Do When Things Go South; Don't Mortgage the Future for the Present; The Times They Are A-Changin'; Notes; Chapter 10 If You Don't Make Mistakes, You're Not Trying Hard Enough; It's All About the People; You Can't Have It All.
  • When Even the Silver Lining Is LeadTell the Truth; When Nothing Will Ever Be the Same; The Worst of Crises Can Fuel the Fight; Notes; Chapter 11 Culture by Design or Culture by Default; If You Don't Fully Trust Employees, Let Them Go; Admit the Brutal Facts; Hire Partners, Not Employees; No Titles . . .; No Ties . . .; ... and No Assholes; Invest in People; Constant Improvement Must Be Part of the Culture; Repair the World; It's Not a Zero-Sum Game; Appendix The Liquidnet Interview: Cultural Fit Questions; Afterword: You Can Invent the Future; Index; EULA.