Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Uncovering the ongoing parental role in education in the rabbinic period / Susan Marks
  • Mishnah gittin: family relations as metaphor for national relations / David Brodsky
  • All in the family: ancient Israelite and Judahite families in context / Cynthia Shafer-Elliott
  • Family values and biblical courtship and marriage: spanning the time barrier / Charles David Isbell
  • Presumptuous Halachah: on determining the status of relationships outside Jewish marriage / Gail Labovitz
  • Agunot, immigration, and modernization, from 1857 to 1896 / Haim Sperber
  • Lost, hidden, discovered: theologies of DNA in North American Judaism and Messianic Judaism / Sarah Imhoff and Hillary Kael
  • Contemporary modern orthodox guidance books on marital sexuality / Evyatar Marienberg
  • Challah from Abba: the modern Jewish father / Joshua Brown
  • "Jewish education begins at home": Training parents to raise American Jewish children after World War II / Joshua L. Furman
  • Modern families: multifaceted identities in the Jewish adoptive family / Jennifer Sartori
  • The Jewish perspective in creating human embryos using cloning technologies / John D. Loike
  • Multiplying motherhood: gestational surrogate motherhood and Jewish law / Pamela Laufer-Ukeles.