
Mobile phone panel surveys in developing countries : a practical guide for microdata collection /

Household survey data are very useful for monitoring living conditions of citizens of any country. In developing countries, a lot of this data are collected through "traditional" face-to-face household surveys. Due to the remote and dispersed nature of many populations in developing countr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores principales: Dabalen, Andrew (Autor), Etang, Alvin (Autor), Hoogeveen, Johannes (Autor), Mushi, Elvis (Autor), Schipper, Youdi, 1969- (Autor), Engelhardt, Johannes von, 1981- (Autor)
Otros Autores: Himelein, Kristen (Contribuidor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Washington, DC : World Bank Group, [2016]
Colección:Directions in development (Washington, D.C.). Poverty.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; About the Authors and Contributors; Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter 1 The Rationale for Mobile Phone Panel Surveys; Why Mobile Phone Panel Surveys?; The MPPS Approach; Advantages of MPPSs; Inquiry on Mobile Data Collection: Voice and the Alternatives; Steps in Conducting Representative MPPSs; Notes; References; Chapter 2 Designing a Mobile Phone Panel Survey; Introduction; Cross-Section or Panel Design?; The Implications of Frequency and Duration for Data Quality and Bias; Respondent Selection; Sampling Frames; MPPS-Specific Challenges
  • Sample Size CalculationStratification and Clustering; Sample Weights and Reweighting; Notes; References; Chapter 3 The Baseline Survey; Introduction; Groundwork: The Distribution of Mobile Phones and Solar Chargers; Considerations in Purchasing Mobile Phones and Solar Chargers; Handling the Registration of SIM Cards; Choosing the Mode of Data Collection during the Baseline Survey; Obtaining Official Licensing for the Survey; MPPS Instruments: The Baseline Survey; Piloting an MPPS; Building Team Spirit and Community Engagement; Challenges Associated with the MPPS Baseline Survey; Notes
  • Data CollectionResponse Correlates and the Effect of Incentives; Attrition Management: A Review; Notes; References; Chapter 6 Data Analysis and Management; Introduction; Data Analysis; Report Writing; Data Dissemination; The Open Data Principle; Chapter 7 How Much Does It Cost?; Appendix A Head of Household Consent Form; Appendix B Respondent Agreement Form; Appendix C Baseline Survey Checklist; Appendix D Sample Mobile Phone Questionnaire; Appendix E Sample Phone Survey Round Calendar; Appendix F Sauti za Wananchi Report 9 (March 2014); Appendix G Checklist of Budget Items for MPPSs; Boxes