
ROS Robotics By Example.

Bring life to your robot using ROS robotic applicationsAbout This Book This book will help you boost your knowledge of ROS and give you advanced practical experience you can apply to your ROS robot platforms This is the only book that offers you step-by-step instructions to solidify your ROS underst...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Fairchild, Carol
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Packt Publishing, 2016.
Colección:Community experience distilled.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover ; Copyright; Credits; About the Authors; About the Reviewer;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Getting Started with ROS ; What does ROS do and what are the benefits of learning ROS?; Who controls ROS?; Which robots are using ROS?; Installing and launching ROS; Configuring your Ubuntu repositories; Setting up your sources.list; Setting up your keys; Installing ROS Indigo; Initialize rosdep; Environment setup; Getting rosinstall; Troubleshooting
  • examining your ROS environment; Creating a catkin workspace; ROS packages and manifest; ROS manifest.
  • Exploring the ROS packagesrospack find packages; rospack list; ROS nodes and ROS Master; ROS nodes; Nodes can publish and nodes can subscribe; ROS Master; Invoking the ROS Master using roscore; ROS commands to determine the nodes and topics; Turtlesim, the first ROS robot simulation; Starting turtlesim nodes; rosrun command; Turtlesim nodes; Turtlesim topics and messages; rostopic list; rostopic type; rosmsg list; rosmsg show; rostopic echo; Parameter Server of turtlesim; rosparam help; rosparam list for /turtlesim node; Change parameters for the color of the turtle's background.
  • ROS services to move turtlerosservice call; ROS commands summary; Summary; Chapter 2: Creating Your First Two-Wheeled ROS Robot (in Simulation) ; Rviz; Installing and launching rviz; Using rviz; Displays panel; Views and Time panels; Toolbar; Main window menu bar; Creating and building a ROS package; Building a differential drive robot URDF; Creating a robot chassis; Using roslaunch; Adding wheels; Adding a caster; Adding color; Adding collisions; Moving the wheels; A word about tf and robot_state_publisher; Adding physical properties; Trying URDF tools; check_urdf; urdf_to_graphiz; Gazebo.
  • Installing and launching GazeboUsing roslaunch with Gazebo; Using Gazebo; Environment toolbar; World and Insert panels; Joints panel; Main window menu bar; Simulation panel; Modifications to the robot URDF; Adding the Gazebo tag; Specifying color in Gazebo; A word about and elements in Gazebo; Verifying a Gazebo model; Viewing the URDF in Gazebo; Tweaking your model; Moving your model around; Other ROS simulation environments; Summary; Chapter 3: Driving Around with TurtleBot ; Introducing TurtleBot; Loading TurtleBot simulator software.
  • Launching TurtleBot simulator in GazeboProblems and troubleshooting; ROS commands and Gazebo; Keyboard teleoperation of TurtleBot in simulation; Setting up to control a real TurtleBot; TurtleBot standalone test; Networking the netbook and remote computer; Types of networks; Network addresses; Remote computer network setup; Netbook network setup; Secure Shell (SSH) connection; Summary of network setup; Troubleshooting your network connection; Testing the TurtleBot system; TurtleBot hardware specifications; TurtleBot dashboard; Move the real TurtleBot.