
Radioactive contamination research developments /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Henshaw, Nadine K. (Editor ), Alleyne, Cade S. (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., [2010]
Colección:Environmental remediation technologies, regulations and safety.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION RESEARCH DEVELOPMENTS; RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION RESEARCH DEVELOPMENTS; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; PROGRESSES IN RADIOACTIVECONTAMINATION RESEARCHES; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Radiation and Radioactivity; 2.1. Radiation; 2.2. Background Radiation; 2.3. Radioactivity; 2.4. Radioactive Contamination and Radiation Exposure; 3. Characteristics of Fundemental Radionuclides; 3.1. Distribution of Radioactivity; 3.1.1. Crystalline Rocks; 3.1.2. Sedimentary Rocks; 3.1.3. Organic-Rich Shales and Coal; 3.1.4. Sandstones; 3.1.5. Carbonates Rocks; 3.1.6. Residual Soils.
  • 3.1.7. Phosphrites4. Nuclear Test Fallout; 5. Radioactive Contamination Researches; 5.1. Sampling; 5.2. Monitoring; 5.3. Measurements; 5.3.1. Counting Instrument; 5.3.2. Internal Proportional Counters; 5.3.3. End-Window Counters; 5.3.4. Thin-Window Proportional Counter; 5.3.5. Low-Background Beta Counter; 5.3.6. Gamma Spectrometer; 5.3.7. Alpha Spectrometer; 5.3.8. Alpha Scintillation Counter; 5.3.9. Liquid Beta Scintillation Counter; 5.4. Assessment and Modeling; 5.4.1. Spatial Modeling of Radioactive Contamination; Classical Variogram Methodologies.
  • 5.4.2. Point Cumulative Semivariogram (PCSV) Technique5.4.3. Spatio-Temporal Point Cumulative Semivariogram (STPCSV) Technique; 5.4.4. Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Radioactive Contaminiation; Basic Statistical Analysis; Advanced Statistical Analysis; 5.4.5. Risk Assessment of Radioactive Contamination; Risk Methodology; 5.4.6. A New Concept for Radioactive Contamination Researches; Perturbation Distribution Coefficient Definition; Perturbation Method; 5.4.7. Soft Computing For Radioactive Contamination Researches; Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
  • 5.4.8. Earthquake Prediction with Nuclear-Soft ComputingReferences; BIOINDICATORS IN THE ASSESSMENTOF ATMOSPHERIC RADIOACTIVITY:CURRENT APPROACHES AND PERSPECTIVES; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Atmospheric Radioactivity and Its Impact on Biota; 3. Assessment of Atmospheric Radioactivity Using Bioindicators; 4. Estimating Radionuclide Transfer to Biota; 4.1. Post-Chernobyl Studies; 4.2. The Concept of a Reference Organism; 4.3. Quantification of Radionuclide Transfer to Biota Using ReferenceOrganisms; 4.4. Models for the Assessment of Transfer to Non-human Biota.
  • 5. Mosses and Lichens as Biomonitors5.1. Physiological Specificities; 5.2. Ion Exchange Process; 5.3. Interaction of 137 Cs+ with Organic Molecules; 5.4. Entrapment of the Solubilized 137Cs+ in a Crystalline Lattice; 5.5. Intracellular Compartmentalization of 137Cs+; Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; VETOING TECHNIQUES IN RADIOACTIVECONTAMINATION RESEARCH; 1. Introduction; 2. Public Exposure Limits and the Necessary Detection Sensitivity; 3. Low-Level Gamma Spectroscopy; 3.1. The Passive Shield; 3.2. The Effects of Radon; 3.3. Cosmic Rays.