Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Copyright page; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Contents; Acronyms; Executive Summary; About this guide; Part I: OVERVIEW OF SIYB; Part II: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE; Part III: POSTSCRIPT
  • THE GOLDEN RULES OF SIYB IMPLEMENTATION; Key References; Annex 1: Glossary of SIYB-Speci c Terms; Annex 2: Summary of Trainer and Master Trainer Development Processes and Certification Requirements; Annex 3: List of Key SIYB-Related Documents; Annex 4: SIYB Contacts; 1.1 What is SIYB?; 1.2 Steps in Introducing and Implementing SIYB; 2.1 Market Assessment.
  • 2.2 Partner Organization Identi cation and Partnership2.3 Trainer Development; 2.4 Master Trainer Development; 2.5 Materials Adaptation, Translation, Printing and Distribution; 2.6 Entrepreneur-Level Training Implementation; 2.7 Monitoring and Evaluation; 2.8 Planning for Sustainability; Postscript: Ten Golden Rules of SIYB Implementation.