
A Political Economy Analysis of China's Civil Aviation Industry.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Dougan, Mark
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Taylor and Francis, 2016.
Colección:East Asia: History, Politics, Sociology and Culture.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Original Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES; ACRONYM LIST; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION; Pre-reform Approaches to Chinese Political Economy; The Center and the Local; Reform and New Approaches to Chinese Political Economy; The Fragmented Authoritarianism Model; Deepening Reform and the Emergence of New Variables; China's Civil Aviation Industry; Civil Aviation's Strategic Importance; Previous Studies on Chinese Civil Aviation; Study Outline; CHAPTER TWO PRE-REFORM OVERVIEW OF CIVIL AVIATION.
  • Civil Aviation in China Prior to 1949Development of Aviation Manufacturing between 1949-1978; Organization; Infrastructure; Production; Development of Air Services between 1949-1978; Organization; Infrastructure; Factors Driving Civil Aviation Prior to Reform; CHAPTER THREE REFORM AND THE EMERGENCE OF NEW FACTORS IN CHINA'S POLITICAL ECONOMY; The Context and Imperatives Shaping China's Reform; The Evolution and Main Features of Reform; Price Reform and Marketization; Ownership Reform and Destatization; Central-Local Reform and Decentralization; The Open Door and Globalization.
  • CHAPTER FOUR CIVIL AVIATION MANUFACTURINGThe Development of Civil Aviation Manufacturing During Reform; Organizational Linkages; Infrastructure; Domestic Production Capabilities; Foreign Cooperation and the Three Step Plan; Reform and the Factors Driving Civil Aviation Manufacturing; Marketization; Destatization; Decentralization; Globalization; Factors Shaping Development of Civil Aviation Manufacturing; CHAPTER FIVE CIVIL AVIATION AIR SERVICES; Overview of Air Transport in China; CAAC and the Breakup of Air Transport; Other Organizational Linkages; Airlines.
  • Airports and Supporting InfrastructureReform and the Factors Driving Civil Air Services; Marketization; Destatization; Decentralization; Globalization; Factors Shaping Development of Civil Air Services; CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION; The Factors Driving Chinese Civil Aviation; The Center, the Bureaucracy, and Reform; Implications; APPENDICES; APPENDIX ONE CHARACTERISTICS OF DOMESTIC CIVIL AIRCRAFT; APPENDIX TWO NUMBER OF COMMERICAL AIR ROUTES, COUNTRIES AND CITIES CONNECTED TO CAAC 1950-1998; APPENDIX THREE PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STATISTICS BY MODE OF TRANSPORT 1952-1998.
  • Appendix four summary of chinese aviation manufacturing enterprisesappendix five china's airline aircraft census start of 1999; appendix six changes in airfleet composition 1995-1998; appendix seven china's airline census start of 1999; appendix eight breakdown of airport service fees; bibliography; index.