Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Abhidharma and Indian thinking / Johannes Bronkhorst
  • Abhidharmic elements in Gandhāran Mahāyāna Buddhism : groups of four and the abhedyaprasādas in the Bajaur Mahāyāna Sūtra / Andrea Schlosser and Ingo Strauch
  • Interpretations of the terms ajjhattaṃ and bahiddhā : from the Pāli Nikāyas to the Abhidhamma / Tamara Ditrich
  • Some remarks on the proofs of the "store mind" (Ālayavijñāna) and the development of the concept of Manas / Jowita Kramer
  • Sanskrit Abhidharma literature of the Mahāvihāravāsins / Lance S. Cousins
  • The contribution of Saṃghabhadra to our understanding of Abhidharma doctrines / KL Dhammajoti
  • Pratītyasamutpāda in the translations of An Shigao and the writings of his Chinese followers / Eric M. Greene
  • Abhidharma in China : reflections on 'matching meanings' and Xuanxue / Bart Dessein
  • Kuiji's Abhidharmic recontextualization of Chinese Buddhism / Weijen Teng
  • Traces of Abhidharma in the bSam-gtan mig-sgron (Tibet, Tenth Century) / Dylan Esler
  • Madhyamaka in Abhidharma Śāstras : the case of Harivarman's *Tattvasiddhi / Goran Kardas̆
  • Svalakṣaṇa (particular) and Sāmānyalakṣaṇa (universal) in Abhidharma and Chinese Yogācāra Buddhism / Chen-kuo Lin
  • Perspectives on the person and the self in Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakośabhāṣya / Yao-ming Tsai.