Tabla de Contenidos:
  • About This Series; Foreword ; Introduction ; Knowledge, Foundations, and Discourse: Philosophical Support for Service-Learning ; Feminism, Postmodernism, and Service-Learning; Listening to the Evidence: Service Activity and Understanding Social Phenomena; The Use of a Philosopher: Socrates and Myles Horton; Praxis-Informed Philosophy; Fluid Boundaries: Service-Learning and the Experience of Community ; Service-Learning, Citizenship, and the Philosophy of Law; Deepening Democratic Participation Through Deweyan Pragmatism; Service-Learning as a Vehicle for Teaching Philosophy.
  • Service-Learning in Perspectives on Poverty Service-Learning in Ethics: A New Pedagogical Approach ; The Power of Service-Learning in Developing Critical-Thinking Skills ; Sojourning in the Art World: Service-Learning in Philosophy of Art; Philosophical Inquiry as Responsible Engagement ; Annotated Bibliography: Service-Learning and Philosophy ; Contributors to This Volume; Series Editor; About AAHE's Series on Service-Learning in the Disciplines.