
Creating Inclusive Learning Environments for Young Children : What to Do on Monday Morning.

This book provides information on common disabilities and practical strategies for creating inclusive environments and building student relationships.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Willis, Clarissa Ann
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, 2008.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • About the Author
  • Introduction
  • Part I
  • Children with Special Needs in the Inclusive Classroom
  • Chapter 1
  • Working with Children with Special Needs
  • Setting the Stage for Inclusion
  • Inclusion, Blending, and Reverse Mainstreaming
  • Why is Inclusion Important?
  • How Do I Develop a Philosophy of Meaningful Inclusion?
  • General Strategies for Working with Children with Special Needs
  • How Do I Get the Child's Family Involved?
  • Resources for Families
  • Working to "Enable" and "Empower" Families
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Resources Used in this Chapter
  • The Research Says ... Developmentally Appropriate Practices Must Apply to Everyone
  • Chapter 2
  • Blending the World of Special Education with General Education Services
  • Best Practices According to NAEYC and DEC
  • Constructivism Versus Behaviorism: Blending without Ignoring Best Practice
  • Using Observation Skills to Guide Instruction
  • The Teacher's Rules of the Road
  • Related Services
  • The Role of the Special Education Teacher
  • Working with Paraprofessionals and Instructional Assistants
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Resources Used in this Chapter
  • The Research Says ... What Early Childhood Practitioners Think about Inclusion
  • Part II
  • Who are the Children with Special Needs?
  • Chapter 3
  • Children with Vision Impairments
  • What Causes Visual Impairments in Young Children?
  • How are Vision Impairments Classified?
  • How Do Children with Vision Impairments Learn?
  • Preparing the Early Childhood Environment
  • Suggestions for Children with Low Vision
  • Suggestions for Children Who are Blind or Severely Vision Impaired
  • Summary
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • The Research Says ... Play Behaviors in Young Children Who are Blind
  • Chapter 4
  • Children with Hearing Loss.
  • What Determines the Degree of Hearing Loss?
  • So, What about Hearing Aids?
  • How will Hearing Loss Affect Children in My Classroom?
  • Communicating in the Classroom
  • Effects of Hearing Loss on Speech (Oral Language)
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Suggested Reading
  • The Research Says ... Cochlear Implants can Result in Better Prosody
  • Chapter 5
  • Children with Cognitive Challenges
  • Characteristics of Children with Cognitive Challenges
  • Educational Implications
  • What are Functional Skills and Why are They Important?
  • What Do I Do First, Before Teaching a New Skill?
  • How Exactly Does this All Fit Together?
  • Classroom Suggestions for Children with Cognitive Challenges
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • The Research Says ... Social Development Across Time
  • Chapter 6
  • Children with Atypical Motor Development
  • Muscle Tone
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills
  • Positioning and Handling
  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Summary
  • Suggested Reading
  • Chapter 7
  • Children with Communication Delays
  • Understanding the Child's "Form" of Communication
  • Function and Content of Communication
  • The Nonverbal Child
  • Cleft Lip and Palate
  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • The Research Says ... Communication is More Than Just Imitation
  • Chapter 8
  • Children with Emotional/Behavior Disorders
  • Young Children and Mental Health
  • Classroom Suggestions for Children with Anxiety Disorders
  • Classroom Suggestions for Children with Separation Anxiety
  • Classroom Suggestions for Children with PTSD
  • Classroom Suggestions for Children with ODD
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Medication Issues
  • Summary
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Resources Used in this Chapter
  • Suggested Reading
  • The Research Says ... Risk Factors for Future Challenging Behaviors.
  • Chapter 9
  • Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • What is Autism?
  • What are the Five Types of Autism?
  • Begin by Looking at the Child's Behavior
  • Communication Issues
  • Summary
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Resources Used in this Chapter
  • The Research Says ... The Role of Attention and Intention in Learning New Words
  • Chapter 10
  • Children with Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Sensory Integration Disorder
  • What can I Do to Make My Classroom Sensory "Friendly"?
  • Materials for the "Sensory Friendly" Classroom
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Resources Used in this Chapter
  • The Research Says ... Trauma and Sensory Modulation Disorder
  • Chapter 11
  • Children at Risk for School Failure
  • Children Living in Extreme Poverty
  • Family Factors
  • Chronic Illness
  • Classroom Suggestions for Children at Risk
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Suggested Reading
  • The Research Says ... Teen Mothers Living in Transitional Shelters Need Support
  • Part III
  • Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom
  • Chapter 12
  • Preparing the Children
  • Before the First Day of School
  • How Do I Prepare Children in a General Education Setting for a Child with Special Needs?
  • What Kinds of Activities Teach Tolerance and Acceptance of Others?
  • The Socially Competent Child
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Suggested Reading
  • Chapter 13
  • Preparing the Environment
  • The Important Role of the Environment
  • Maintaining a Balance between Activities
  • The Daily Schedule
  • Small Group Time
  • Individualized Instruction
  • Free Choice Time
  • Transitions
  • Assistive Technology-Adapting Materials
  • Summary
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Resources Used in this Chapter
  • Chapter 14
  • The Curriculum
  • Is There a Special "Curriculum" for a Child with Special Needs?
  • Differentiated Instruction (DI)
  • Recognition and Response.
  • Curriculum Modifications for Children with Special Needs
  • Content Area Instruction
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Resources Used in this Chapter
  • Suggested Reading
  • Chapter 15
  • Handling Challenging Behaviors
  • What Kinds of Behaviors can I Tolerate?
  • What is a Functional Assessment?
  • Identification of Positive Behaviors
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Chapter 16
  • Building Communication
  • Levels of Communication Development
  • How Do You Set Appropriate Goals for Communication?
  • What about Children Who are Nonverbal?
  • How Do I Start Helping A Child with Special Needs Use Pictures to Communicate?
  • Picture Schedules
  • Terms Used in this Chapter
  • Suggested Reading
  • Appendix
  • Children's Books that Feature Dynamic Characters with Special Needs
  • Resources for Special Needs Products
  • Index.