Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgements ; Table of Contents ; Table of Case Law and Arbitral Awards ; Table of Legislation ; 1. Introduction ; 2. The Evolution of Palestinian Arab Proto-Self-Determination and ""Peoplehood"" During the Mandate for Palestine ; I. Introduction; II. The Mandate System ; III. The Mandate for Palestine ; IV. The Concept of a Palestinian Arab ""People"" During the Mandate for Palestine ; V. The United Nations Special Committee on Palestine and the Drums of 1948 ; VI. Conclusion ; 3. From Disparate Means of Dispute Settlement to the Introduction of a Negotiation Imperative: 1948-1973.
  • I. IntroductionII. The Onset of War in Palestine and the United Nations Security Council's Questionnaire of May 18, 1948 ; III. The Role of the United Nations Mediator on Palestine ; IV. The Establishment of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine ; V. Arab Rejectionism and Boycotts of the Jewish State ; VI. Between 1967 and 1973: The Introduction of a Negotiation Imperative ; VII. Conclusion ; 4. The Emergence of Palestinian International Legal Personality and the Bilateral Negotiation Imperative: 1973 to Oslo ; I. Introduction.
  • II. In the Aftermath of United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 (1973): From Algiers to Rabat, and Geneva to Camp David III. The Second Phase: From Exclusion to the Beginnings of Begrudging Inclusion ; IV. To Oslo ; V. Conclusion ; 5. The International Law of Negotiation as a Means of Dispute Settlement ; I. Introduction ; II. The Relationship Between Negotiation and Other Means of Dispute Settlement ; III. The International Law of Negotiation ; IV. When Negotiation Breaks Down: Countermeasures and Other Responses ; V. Conclusion.
  • 6. The International Law of Negotiation and Palestinian Applications for Admission to the United Nations: Sword or Shield? I. Introduction; II. The Bilateral Negotiation Imperative: Bundles of Rights and Obligations ; III. Palestinian Applications for Admission to the United Nations: The Events of Autumn 2011 and Autumn 2012 ; IV. Assessing the Palestinian Applications for Admission to the United Nations: Key Issues and Legal Consequences ; V. Conclusion ; 7. Conclusion ; Annex: Maps; Bibliography ; INDEX.