
Media and Conflict : Escalating Evil.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Hamelink, Cees Jan
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Florence : Taylor and Francis, 2009.
Colección:Media and power.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Preface; Introduction: Conflict and Evil; Images of Evil; Humiliation; Conclusion; Chapter 1: Living with Others: The Inevitable Conflict; Others and Conflicts; The Dynamics of Conflict: The Escalation Spiral; Anxiety; Agitation; Alienation; Accusation in a Mirror; Conclusion; Chapter 2: Media and the Spiral of Escalation; Mediatized Conflict; Studies on Media Violence; Media and Anxiety; Climate Crisis; Mental Health Crisis; Financial Crisis; Media and Agitation; Media and Alienation; Dehumanizing Language and Genocide.
  • The Huntington ThesisMedia and Accusation in a Mirror; Conclusion; Chapter 3: Taming the Spiral of Escalation; Communication and Conflict; Peace Journalism; Human Rights Reparations; The Mont Fleur Experience; Beyond Peace Journalism; New Media; Conclusion; Chapter 4: Mindful Communication; Mindfulness; The Modalities of Mindless Versus Mindful Communication; Training; Children; Music Teaching; Enabling Environment; Conclusion; Chapter 5: The Communicative City; Disarming Conversation; Right to the Communicative City; Heterogeneity; Speed; Mindlessness; Conclusion.
  • Chapter 6: Collective Evil: Can It Happen Again?Collective Conflict and Evil-Doing; The Present State of Group Conflict in the World; The Three Essential Conflicts Today; Urban-Based Conflicts; Resource-Based Conflicts; Identity-Based Conflicts; The Recurrence of Lethal Collective Conflict in Contemporary History; Conclusion; Chapter 7: International Media Alert System (IMAS); Crimes Against Humanity; Early Alert; Elimination Beliefs; International Law; Prosecution and Trial; The International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg; The International Tribunal on Genocide in Rwanda.
  • The Freedom of ExpressionIs "Hate Speech" a Crime?; Research Needed; Conclusion; Chapter 8: Learning from Albert Camus; Utopianism; Realism; Absolutism Versus Reflexivity; Sisyphism; Final Thoughts; Notes; References; Further Reading; Index; About the Author.