
Boisterous Sea of Liberty : a Documentary History of America from Discovery through the Civil War.

Acknowledgments Introduction PART 1. FIRST ENCOUNTERS The Meaning of America Utilizing the Native Labor Force New World Fantasies Labor Needs The Black Legend A Critique of the Slave Trade PART 2. EUROPEAN COLONIZATION NORTH OF MEXICO Justifications for English Involvement in the New World A Rationa...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Davis, David Brion
Otros Autores: Mintz, Steven
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Oxford University Press, USA, 2000.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments; Introduction; PART 1. FIRST ENCOUNTERS; The Meaning of America; 1. They have no iron or steel or weapons, nor are they capable of using them
  • Utilizing the Native Labor Force; 2. With fifty men they can all be subjugated and made to do what is required of them
  • New World Fantasies; 3. All slavery, and drudgery ... is done by bondsmen
  • Labor Needs; 4. This is the best land in the world for Negroes
  • The Black Legend; 5. Under the guise of developing the country, the Christians (as they call themselves) ... engaged in plunder and slaughter
  • A Critique of the Slave Trade6. A thousand acts of robbery and violence are committed in the course of bartering and carrying off Negroes
  • PART 2. EUROPEAN COLONIZATION NORTH OF MEXICO; Justifications for English Involvement in the New World; 1. The Kings of Spain ... have rooted out above fifteen millions of reasonable creatures
  • A Rationale for New World Colonization; 2. All ... our ... trades in all Europe ... may ... {count} for little ... {compared with} America
  • England's First Enduring North American Settlement.
  • 3. Being ready with clubs to beat out his brains, Pocahontas ... got his head in her armsLife in Early Virginia; 4. My brother and my wife are dead
  • Race War in Virginia; 5. They basely and barbarously murdered, not sparing either age or sex
  • Indentured Servitude; 6. {Virginia} is reported to be an unhealthy place, a nest of Rogues ... {and} dissolute ... persons
  • The Shift to Slavery; 7. All children ... shall be held bond or free only according to the condition of the mother
  • Regional Contrasts.
  • 8. We walked in the woods amongst wild beasts ... at least 20 miles ... expecting to die The Pilgrims Arrive in Plymouth; 9. In 2 or 3 months times, half of their company died
  • Reasons for Puritan Immigration; 10. Most children ... are perverted, corrupted, & utterly overthrown by the multitude of evil examples
  • The Idea of the Covenant; 11. Some must be rich, some poor, some high and eminent in power ... others mean and in subjection
  • Servitude in New England; 12. {Ill} reports is given of my Wyfe for beatinge the maid
  • Mounting Conflict with Native Americans.
  • 13. For the number of our people ... be in all about 4000 soulsNative Americans as Active Agents; 14. The Monhiggin {Mohican} ... refuseth to part with his prey
  • Puritan Economics; 15. Some false principles are these
  • King Philip's War; 16. Various are the reports ... of the causes of the present Indian warre
  • Struggles for Power; 17. Take, kill, & destroy {th}e enemy without limitation of place or time
  • An Indian Slave Woman Confesses to Witchcraft; 18. Tituba an Indian woman {was} brought before us ... upon Suspicion of witchcraft