Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""Introduction""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""1""; ""Roots: A Family of Great Note in these Parts""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""2""; ""A Tainted Inheritance: Ferdinando Gorges""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""3""; ""The Viceroy: The Boyne, Gafney and Ranelagh""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""5""; ""4""; ""The Greasy Pole: Godolphinâ€?s Ministry and the Trial of Dr Sacheverell""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""5""; ""Border Disputes: The Harleys and Herefordshire""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""5""; ""6""; ""The Secret Committee: Matthew Prior""; ""1""; ""2""
  • ""3""""4""; ""5""; ""7""; ""The Bishop and his Ass: Francis Atterbury""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""8""; ""Bubbling Up: The Duke of Chandos and the Lord Chancellor""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""9""; ""A Precious Bird in the Cage: The Tower and Sir George Caswall""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""10""; ""Rejected Addresses: The Duchess and Lady Catherine""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""11""; ""Banks of Wye: Lady Scudamore, Cider and the Man of Ross""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""; ""5""; ""6""; ""12""; ""Sir Balaam: Lord Bathurst and Popeâ€?s Epistle""; ""1""; ""2""; ""3""; ""4""
  • Epilogue1
  • 2
  • References
  • Sources
  • Manuscripts
  • Printed Sources
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Index