
Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 6 /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : Electric Book Co., ©2001.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contents
  • Chapter LVIII. Origin and Numbers of the first Crusade.â€?Characters of the Latin Princes.â€?Their March to Constantinople.
  • Peter the Hermit
  • Urban II and the origin of the first crusade, A.D. 1095
  • Departure of the first crusade, A.D. 1096
  • The chiefs of the first crusade
  • The march to Constantinople
  • Policy of the emperor Alexius Comnenus
  • Siege of Nice, A.D. 1097
  • The principality of Edessa, A.D. 1097-1151
  • Siege and victory of Antioch, A.D. 1097-1098
  • Vice, famine and distress
  • The legend of the Holy Lance
  • Siege and conquest of Jerusalem, A.D. 1099Godfrey of Bouillon and the kingdom of Jerusalem, A.D. 1099-1187
  • Assise of Jerusalem, A.D. 1099-1369
  • Chapter LIX. Preservation of the Greek Empire.â€?Numbers, Passage, and Event, of the Second and Third Crusades.â€?St. Bernard.
  • Alexius and the Eastern empire
  • Second and third crusades, A.D. 1147-1189
  • St. Bernard, A.D. 1091-1153
  • The Turks conquer Egypt, A.D. 1163-1169
  • Saladin, A.D. 1171-1193
  • Saladin conquers Jerusalem, A.D. 1187
  • The third crusade, by sea, A.D. 1188
  • Richard the Lionheart in Palestine, A.D. 1191-1192Innocent III and the fourth and fifth crusades, A.D. 1198-1218
  • Frederic II in Palestine, A.D. 1228
  • St. Louis and the sixth and seventh crusades, A.D. 1248-1270
  • The loss of Acre and the Holy Land, A.D. 1291
  • Chapter LX. Schism of the Greeks and Latins.â€?State of Constantinople.â€?Revolt of the Bulgarians.â€?Isaac Angelus dethroned.
  • Separation of the Greek and Latin churches
  • Excommunication of the Greeks, A.D. 1054
  • Isaac Angelus, A.D. 1185-1195
  • Revolt of the Bulgarians, A.D. 1186
  • Alexius Angelus, A.D. 1195-1203The fourth crusade, A.D. 1198
  • The Venetians
  • Alliance of the French and Venetians, A.D. 1201
  • Departure of the fourth crusade from Venice, A.D. 1202
  • Alliance of Alexius and the crusaders
  • First siege and conquest of Constantinople, A.D. 1203
  • Restoration of Isaac Angelus and Alexius
  • Second siege, A.D. 1204
  • Final conquest and pillage of Constantinople by the Latins
  • Chapter LXI. Partition of the Empire by the French and Venetians.â€?Five Latin Emperors of the Houses of Flanders and Courtenay
  • Election of the emperor Baldwin I, A.D. 1204Division of the Eastern empire
  • Calo-John and the Bulgarian war, A.D. 1205
  • Retreat of the Latins
  • Henry, emperor of Constantinople, and his successors, A.D. 1206-1261
  • Michael PalÃ?ologus and the recovery of Constantinople by the Greeks, A.D. 1259-1261
  • General consequences of the crusades
  • Digression on the Family of Courtenay.
  • Chapter LXII. The Greek Emperors of Nice and Constantinople.â€?Elevation and Reign of Michael PalÃ?ologus.
  • The Greek emperors of Nice