
Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 5 /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : Electric Book Co., ©2001.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contents
  • Chapter XLVIII. Plan of the Fifth and Sixth Volumes.â€?Succession and Characters of the Greek Emperors of Constantinople.
  • Death of Heraclius, A.D. 638
  • Constans II, A.D. 641
  • Constantine IV (Pogonatus), A.D. 668
  • Justinian II, A.D. 685
  • Leo III, the Isaurian, A.D. 718
  • Constantine V (Copronymus), A.D. 741
  • Constantine VI and Irene, A.D. 780
  • Nicephorus I, A.D. 802
  • Leo V, the Armenian, A.D. 813
  • Michael II, the Stammerer, A.D. 820
  • Theophilus, A.D. 829
  • Michael III, A.D. 842
  • Basil I, the Macedonian, A.D. 867
  • Leo VI, the philosopher, A.D. 886Constantine VII, A.D. 945
  • John Zimisces, A.D. 969
  • Basil II and Constatine IX, A.D. 976
  • Isaac I, Comnenus, A.D. 1057
  • Alexius I, Comnenus, A.D. 1081
  • John, or Calo-Johannes, A.D. 1118
  • Andronicus, A.D. 1180
  • Isaac II, Angelus, A.D. 1185
  • Chapter XLIX. Introduction, Worship, and Persecution of Images.â€?Revolt of Italy and Rome.â€?Temporal Dominion of the Popes.
  • Introduction of images into the Christian church
  • Leo the Iconoclast, and his successors, A.D. 726-840
  • Epistles of Gregory II, A.D. 727
  • Revolt of Italy, A.D. 728Rome attacked by the Lombards, A.D. 730-752
  • Pepin and the conquest of Lombardy
  • Charlemagne
  • Restoration of images in the East, A.D. 780
  • Separation of the popes from the Eastern empire, A.D. 774-800
  • Coronation of Charlemagne, emperor of Rome and the West, A.D. 800
  • Successors of Charlemagne; division of the empire
  • Otho, king of Germany, A.D. 962
  • Emperors and popes, A.D. 800-1060
  • The kingdom of Italy, A.D. 774-1250; Frederick the second
  • The princes of Germany, A.D. 814-1250
  • The Germanic constitution, A.D. 1250Chapter L. Description of Arabia and its Inhabitants.â€?Birth, Character, and Doctrine of Mahomet.â€?He preaches at Mecca.
  • Arabia
  • The “Saracensâ€?
  • The Caaba, or temple of Mecca
  • Birth and education of Mahomet, A.D. 569-609
  • The Koran
  • Mahomet preaches at Mecca, A.D. 609
  • Mahomet the prince of Medina, A.D. 622
  • Mahomet declares war on the infidels
  • Wars against the Koreish
  • Subjugation of the Jews of Arabia
  • Submission of Mecca, A.D. 629
  • Conquest of Arabia, A.D. 629-632
  • First war against Rome
  • Death of Mahomet, A.D. 632Reigns of Abubeker, Omar, Othman
  • Reign of Ali, A.D. 655-660
  • The Imams
  • Success of Mahomet
  • Chapter LI. The Conquest of Persia, Syria, Egypt, Africa, and Spain, by the Arabs or Saracens.â€?Empire of the Caliphs.
  • Union of the Arabs, A.D. 632
  • The Caliphs and their conquests
  • Conquest of Persia, A.D. 637-651
  • Invasion of Syria, A.D. 632
  • Conquest of Jerusalem, A.D. 637
  • Amrou and the conquest of Egypt
  • The Alexandrian library
  • Abdallah and the first invasion of Africa, A.D. 647