
Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 3 /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : Electric Book Co., ©2001.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contents
  • Chapter XXVII. Death of Gratian.â€?Ruin of Arianism.â€?St. Ambrose.â€?First Civil War, against Maximus.
  • Character and reign of Gratian
  • Revolt of Maximus in Britain
  • Peace treaty between Maximus and Theodosius, A.D. 383-387
  • Gregory Nazianzen
  • Council of Constantinople, A.D. 381; defeat of Arianism
  • Edicts of Theodosius against the heretics
  • Fate of the Pricillianists
  • Maximus invades Italy, A.D. 387; first civil war
  • Defeat and death of Maximus
  • Theodosius, and his reign
  • Theodosius defeats Eugenius, A.D. 394; second civil war
  • Death of Theodosius, A.D. 395Chapter XXVIII. Final Destruction of Paganism.â€?Introduction of the Worship of Saints, and Relics, among the Christians.
  • Paganism destroyed, A.D. 378-395
  • Restoration of the altar of Victory
  • Destruction of temples in the provinces
  • Worship of Christian martyrs
  • Idolatry of Christianity
  • Chapter XXIX. Final Division of the Roman Empire between the Sons of Theodosius.â€?Reign of Arcadius and Honorius
  • Arcadius and Honorius divide the empire
  • Stilicho
  • Revolt of Gildo in Africa
  • The African war, A.D. 398
  • Chapter XXX. Revolt of the Goths.â€?They plunder Greece.â€?Two great Invasions of Italy by Alaric and Radagaisus. Alaric invades Greece, A.D. 396
  • Alaric marches on Italy, A.D. 400-403
  • Battle of Pollentia
  • Retreat of Alaric
  • Honorius fixes his residence at Ravenna, A.D. 404
  • Radagaisus invades Italy, A.D. 406
  • Stilicho defeats Radagaisus, A.D. 406
  • Germans invade Gaul
  • Army revolts in Britain, A.D. 407; usurpation of Constantine
  • Disgrace and death of Stilicho, A.D. 408
  • The poet Claudian
  • Chapter XXXI. Invasion of Italy by Alaric.â€?Manners of the Roman Senate and People.â€?Rome besieged, and pillaged Alaric marches on Rome, A.D. 408
  • Senators and nobles of Rome
  • The people of Rome
  • Population of Rome
  • First seige of Rome by the Goths, A.D. 408
  • Second seige, A.D. 409
  • Third seige and sack of Rome by the Goths, A.D. 410
  • Alaric leaves Rome, ravages Italy
  • Death of Alaric, A.D. 410
  • Adolphus, king of the Goths
  • Revolt of Heraclian in Africa, A.D. 413
  • Adolphus marches into Spain, A.D. 414
  • The Barbarians in Gaul, A.D. 420
  • Britain, A.D. 409-449Assembly of the seven provinces of Gaul, A.D. 418
  • Chapter XXXII. Arcadius Emperor of the East.â€?Administration of Eutropius.â€?Revolt of Gainas.â€?Persecution of Chrysostom
  • Arcadius, A.D. 395-408
  • Administration of Eutropius, A.D. 395-399
  • Revolt of Tribigild the Ostrogoth, A.D. 399
  • Conspiracy and fall of Gainas, A.D. 400
  • John Chrysostom
  • Chrysostom persecuted by the empress Eudocia
  • Exile and death of Chrysostom
  • Death of Arcadius, A.D. 408
  • Character and adminstration of Pulcheria, A.D. 414-453