
Flora of the Yukon Territory (2nd ed.).

This important work brings the knowledge of the vascular plants of the Yukon Territory up to date. Geology and vegetation are the focus of this well illustrated flora, which contains treatments of 1119 species, representing 80 families. All species are illustrated and dot maps depict known distribut...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Cody, William J.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Ottawa : Canadian Science Publishing, 2000.
Edición:2nd ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Cover page""; ""Title page""; ""Publishing information""; ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Abstract""; ""Résumé""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Introduction""; ""Physical description""; ""Vegetation""; ""Summary of vascular plants in the Yukon flora""; ""History of collecting""; ""Keys to major divisions and families""; ""Flora of the Yukon Territory""; ""Lycopodiaceae club-moss family""; ""Selaginellaceae spike-moss family""; ""Isoetaceae quillwort family""; ""Equisetaceae horsetail family""; ""Ophioglossaceae adder's-tongue family""; ""Pteridaceae""; ""Aspidiaceae""; ""Aspleniaceae""
  • ""Polypodiaceae""""Cupressaceae cypress family""; ""Pinaceae pine family""; ""Typhaceae cattail family""; ""Sparganiaceae bur-reed family""; ""Potamogetonaceae pondweed family""; ""Scheuchzeriaceae arrow-grass family""; ""Alismataceae (Alismaceae) water plantain family""; ""Poaceae (Gramineae) grass family""; ""Cyperaceae sedge family""; ""Araceae arum family""; ""Lemnaceae duckweed family""; ""Juncaceae rush family""; ""Liliaceae lily family""; ""Iridaceae iris family""; ""Orchidaceae orchid family""; ""Salicaceae willow family""; ""Myricaceae wax-myrtle family""; ""Betulaceae birch family""
  • ""Urticeae nettle family""""Santalaceae sandalwood family""; ""Polygonaceae buckwheat family""; ""Chenopodiaceae goosefoot family""; ""Portulacaceae purslane family""; ""Caryophyllaceae pink family""; ""Ceratophyllaceae hornwort family""; ""Nymphaeaceae water-lily family""; ""Ranunculaceae crowfoot family""; ""Papaveraceae poppy family""; ""Fumariaceae fumitory family""; ""Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) mustard family""; ""Droseraceae sundew family""; ""Crassulaceae stonecrop family""; ""Saxifragaceae saxifrage family""; ""Rosaceae rose family""; ""Fabaceae (Leguminosae) pea family""
  • ""Geraniaceae geranium family""""Linaceae flax family""; ""Euphorbiaceae spurge family""; ""Callitrichaceae water starwort family""; ""Empetraceae crowberry family""; ""Balsaminaceae touch-me-not family""; ""Elatinaceae waterwort family""; ""Violaceae violet family""; ""Elaeagnaceae oleaster family""; ""Onagraceae evening primrose family""; ""Hippuridaceae mare's-tail family""; ""Haloragaceae water-milfoil family""; ""Araliaceae ginseng family""; ""Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) parsley family""; ""Cornaceae dogwood family""; ""Pyrolaceae wintergreen family""; ""Ericaceae heath family""
  • ""Diapensiaceae diapensia family""""Primulaceae primrose family""; ""Plumbaginaceae leadwort family""; ""Gentianaceae gentian family""; ""Menyanthaceae buckbean family""; ""Apocynaceae dogbane family""; ""Polemoniaceae phlox family""; ""Hydrophyllaceae waterleaf family""; ""Boraginaceae borage family""; ""Lamiaceae (Labiatae) mint family""; ""Scrophulariaceae figwort family""; ""Orobanchaceae broom-rape family""; ""Lentibulariaceae bladderwort family""; ""Plantaginaceae plantain family""; ""Rubiaceae madder family""; ""Caprifoliaceae honeysuckle family""; ""Adoxaceae moschatel family""