Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""CONTENTS""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""1 Why Homework Centers?""; ""2 Needs Assessment""; ""3 Service Plan""; ""4 Staff and Volunteeer Recruitment""; ""5 Job Duties and Training""; ""6 Funding and Partnerships""; ""7 Collaboration with Schools""; ""8 Space and Location""; ""9 Service Hours""; ""10 Programming and Corollary Services""; ""11 Collection Development""; ""12 Supplies and Equipment""; ""13 Security and Liability""; ""14 Media and Public Relations""; ""15 Methods of Assessing Effectiveness""; ""APPENDIX A""; ""APPENDIX B ""; ""APPENDIX C ""; ""APPENDIX D ""
  • ""Appendix e """"appendix f ""; ""appendix g ""; ""appendix h ""; ""appendix i ""; ""appendix j ""; ""appendix k ""; ""appendix l ""; ""bibliography""; ""index""