Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  • Premises
  • Comparative Perspective
  • Organization of the Study
  • Chapter 2 Foundations of Accountability
  • Definition and Prerequisites
  • Debate over the Role of Congress
  • Executive Discretion and Congressional Oversight
  • Chapter 3 The Exchange Rates and International Economic Policy Coordination Act of 1988
  • Origins
  • Key Elements
  • Comparison with IMF Language
  • Chapter 4 Review of the Reports
  • Findings of Manipulation, 1988â€?94
  • Mexican Peso Crisis of 1994â€?95
  • Asian Financial Crisis of 1997â€?98Japanese Yen
  • Europeâ€?s Monetary Union
  • Fiscal Policy
  • China, 2000â€?2007
  • Assessment
  • Appendix 4A
  • Chapter 5 Congressional Oversight
  • Appendix 5A
  • Chapter 6 Recommendations
  • Preparation of the Reports
  • General Objectives
  • Current Account Balances and Real Effective Exchange Rates
  • Manipulation
  • Countermeasures
  • Reinforcing the IMF
  • Multilateral Fairness and Coordination
  • Report Consolidation
  • Congressional Oversight
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion
  • Appendix A: Exchange Rates and International Economic Policy Coordination Act of 1988Appendix B: Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
  • Appendix C: IMF Guidelines for Bilateral Surveillance over Membersâ€? Exchange Rate Policy
  • References
  • Index