
Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet : a Comparison of Naturally Occurring and Synthetic Substances.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Staff, National Research Council
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Washington : National Academies Press, 1900.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet""; ""Copyright""; ""Preface""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""THE CHARGE TO THE COMMITTEE""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""Complexity of the Diet""; ""Carcinogenicity and Anticarcinogenicity""; ""Synthetic Versus Naturally Occurring Carcinogens""; ""Models for Identifying Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens""; ""RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""Epidemiologic Studies and Human Exposure""; ""Testing""; ""Dietary Factors""; ""FUTURE DIRECTIONS""; ""CLOSING REMARKS""; ""1 Introduction ""; ""STATEMENT OF TASK AND DELIBERATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE""; ""DEFINITIONS""
  • ""STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT""""REFERENCES""; ""2 Naturally Occurring Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Diet ""; ""EXPOSURE TO NATURALLY OCCURRING CHEMICALS""; ""THE COMPOSITION OF FOODS""; ""The Major Components""; ""The Minor Components""; ""Complexity and Variability""; ""Toxicants and Nontoxicants""; ""The functional Role of the Components of Food""; ""Dietary Plants and Cancer""; ""NATURALLY OCCURRING CARCINOGENS FORMED DURING PROCESSING OR CONTAMINATION OF FOOD""; ""Mycotoxins""; ""Pyrolytic Products""; ""CURRENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE OF HUMAN DIETARY CARCINOGENS""
  • ""Identifying Potential Human Dietary Carcinogens""""Constitutive Naturally Occurring Carcinogens""; ""Caffeic Acid""; ""Urethane (Ethyl Carbamate)""; ""Acquired Naturally Occurring Carcinogens: Aflatoxin B1""; ""Derived Naturally Occurring Carcinogens""; ""PhIP (2-Amino-1-Methyl-6-Phenylimidazo[4,5-b]Pyridine)""; ""N-Nitrosodimethylamine""; ""CURRENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE OF HUMAN DIETARY ANTICARCINOGENS""; ""EFFECT OF DIETARY MACRONUTRIENTS ON CARCINOGENESIS""; ""Calories""; ""Carbohydrates""; ""Fat""; ""Linoleic Acid""; ""Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)""; ""Bile Acids and Free Fatty Acids""
  • ""Protein""""Alcohol""; ""EFFECT OF DIETARY MICRONUTRIENTS ON CARCINOGENESIS""; ""Vitamin A""; ""Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)""; ""Vitamin E (Tocopherols)""; ""Folic Acid""; ""Vitamin D and Calcium""; ""Selenium""; ""Iron""; ""ENGINEERING AN OPTIMAL DIET""; ""SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""3 Synthetic Carcinogens in the Diet ""; ""SYNTHETIC FOOD ADDITIVES""; ""OCCURRENCE AND EXPOSURE""; ""Drinking Water""; ""Foods""; ""MECHANISMS OF CARCINOGENESIS""; ""METABOLISM""; ""TOXICOLOGICAL COMPARISONS""; ""Nitrosamines""; ""Hydrazines""; ""Methylenedioxyphenyl Compounds""
  • ""Aromatic Amines and Related Chemicals""""Peroxisome Proliferators""; ""Phenolic Antioxidants""; ""Sodium Salts and Rodent Urinary Tract Carcinogenesis""; ""α2u-Globulin Binding Compounds""; ""SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""4 Methods for Evaluating Potential Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens ""; ""METHODS FOR EVALUATING CHEMICAL CARCINOGENESIS""; ""Studies in Human Populations""; ""Epidemiology""; ""Molecular Epidemiology""; ""Genetic Markers of Susceptibility""; ""Biologic Markers of Internal Dose""; ""Biologic Markers of Biologically Effective Dose""