Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Electricity in Economic Growth""; ""Copyright""; ""Preface""; ""Contents""; ""Summary""; ""RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""Electricity Consumption""; ""Productivity Growth""; ""Technical Change""; ""The Effects of Price Changes""; ""Conservation""; ""Composition of National Output""; ""Regional Differences""; ""1 Introduction, Conclusions, and Recommendations ""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""Two Important Relationships""; ""The Structure of the Task""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""Electricity Consumption""; ""Productivity Growth""; ""Technical Change""; ""The Effects of Price Changes""; ""Conservation""
  • ""The Composition of National Output""""Regional Differences""; ""RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""2 Historical Perspective ""; ""HISTORICAL PATTERNS: 1902 TO 1983""; ""The Growth of Electricity and Other Energy Consumption""; ""Electricity Growth in Relation to the Growth of Gross National Product""; ""POST-WORLD WAR II TRENDS: 1947 TO 1983""; ""The Growth of Electricity Use and of Gross National Product""; ""Electricity Use in the Major Consuming Sectors""; ""Trends in Residential Use of Electricity""; ""Trends in Commercial Use of Electricity""; ""Trends in Industrial Use of Electricity""
  • ""The Effects of Structural Change on Electricity Intensity""""Measuring Structural Change""; ""Electricity Intensity of the Sectors""; ""Electricity Intensity within Manufacturing""; ""Changes in Energy Prices""; ""Price Movements""; ""Price Elasticities""; ""CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: PRE-AND POST-EMBARGO TRENDS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""3 Electricity and Productivity Growth""; ""THE CONCEPT OF PRODUCTIVITY""; ""THE BACKGROUND""; ""THE RECENT DECLINE IN ECONOMIC GROWTH""; ""World Economies""; ""The U.S. Economy""; ""U.S. Productivity Growth""; ""THE ECONOMETRIC MODEL""
  • ""A Model of Sectoral Productivity Growth""""The Form of the Model""; ""Parameters of the Model""; ""Modeling the Role of Electricity in Productivity Growth""; ""Results from the Model""; ""Applying the Model""; ""Estimating the Biases of Productivity Growth""; ""Patterns of the Biases of Productivity Growth""; ""The Hypothesis Concerning Electricity and Productivity Growth""; ""Subsidiary Hypotheses""; ""Nonelectrical Energy and Productivity Growth""; ""Summary""; ""INTERPRETATION OF THE RECENT DECLINE IN GROWTH""; ""REFERENCES""; ""4 Examples of Electrification and Productivity Gains ""
  • ""ELECTRICITY AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS""""KINDS OF TECHNICAL CHANGE THAT ALTER ELECTRICITY USE""; ""EXAMPLES OF ELECTRICITY-DEPENDENT TECHNICAL CHANGE""; ""Arc Furnace Steelmaking""; ""Metals Processing by Lasers and Electron Beams""; ""Laser Processing""; ""Electron Beam Processing""; ""Investments in Energy Efficiency of Buildings""; ""Automation""; ""OTHER INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES""; ""THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ELECTRIFICATION""; ""REFERENCES""; ""5 Future Economic Influences on Electricity Use ""; ""THE RANGE OF RECENT FORECASTS""; ""THE CHANGING COMPOSITION OF NATIONAL OUTPUT""