Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Pay for Performance""; ""Copyright""; ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Executive Summary""; ""THE CHARGE""; ""THE NATURE OF THE EVIDENCE""; ""PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL""; ""The Measurement Tradition: Findings""; ""The Applied Tradition: Findings""; ""Conclusions""; ""PERFORMANCE-BASED PAY SYSTEMS""; ""Finding""; ""Conclusion""; ""THE IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT""; ""IMPLICATIONS FOR FEDERAL POLICY""; ""1 Introduction ""; ""PAY FOR PERFORMANCE: A FIELD GUIDE""; ""Merit Pay""; ""Variable Pay""; ""ISSUES""; ""PLAN OF THE REPORT""; ""2 The History of Civil Service Reform ""
  • ""THE CONTEXT AND THEORY OF CIVIL SERVICE REFORM""""Evolution of the Federal Merit System""; ""Federal Management Strategies and Civil Service Reform""; ""THE CIVIL SERVICE REFORM ACT OF 1978""; ""The Senior Executive Service""; ""Performance Appraisal""; ""Merit Pay""; ""Federal Employee Expectations About the Reform""; ""Performance Appraisal""; ""Merit Pay""; ""The Record""; ""The Merit Pay System""; ""The Performance Management and Recognition System""; ""IMPLICATIONS""; ""3 The Nature of the Evidence ""; ""THE DIVERSITY OF RELEVANT THEORIES AND METHODS""; ""THE EVIDENCE""
  • ""EVIDENTIARY CHALLENGES""""Criteria for Gauging the Effectiveness of Personnel Practices""; ""Validity and Reliability""; ""Sources and Quality of Available Data""; ""Determinants Versus Consequences""; ""Attributing Causality""; ""IMPLICATIONS""; ""4 Performance Appraisal: Definition, Measurement, and Application ""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND THE MEASUREMENT TRADITION""; ""The Domain of Job Performance""; ""Dimensions of Job Performance""; ""Descriptions of Managerial Performance""; ""Implications""; ""Psychometric Properties of Appraisal Tools and Procedures""
  • ""Approaches to Appraisal""""Scale Formats""; ""Validity""; ""Interrater Reliability""; ""Implications""; ""RESEARCH ON PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL APPLICATION""; ""Performance Appraisal and Motivation""; ""Approaches to Increasing the Quality of Rating Data""; ""Rater Training""; ""Behaviorally Based Rating Scale Design""; ""Rating Sequence""; ""Implications""; ""Context: Sources of Rating Distortion""; ""FINDINGS""; ""Job Analysis""; ""Managerial Performance""; ""Psychometric Properties""; ""GAPS IN EXISTING RESEARCH""; ""5 Pay for Performance: Perspectives and Research ""
  • ""PAY FOR PERFORMANCE PLANS: A FIELD GUIDE""""PAY FOR PERFORMANCE: RESEARCH FINDINGS""; ""Motivating Employee Performance""; ""Individual Incentive Plans""; ""Merit Pay Plans""; ""Group Incentive Plans""; ""Summary""; ""Employee Attraction and Retention""; ""Fair Treatment and Equity""; ""Regulating Costs and Making Trade-Offs""; ""PAY FOR PERFORMANCE: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT""; ""6 Private-Sector Practice and Perspectives ""; ""PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: CURRENT PRACTICE AND EMERGING TRENDS""; ""General Trends in Performance Appraisal""