Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Research Briefings 1986""; ""Copyright""; ""Preface""; ""Contents""; ""Research Briefing Panel on Science of Interfaces and Thin Films""; ""Report of the Research Briefing Panel on Science of Interfaces and Thin Films""; ""DEFINITIONS, PROPERTIES, AND BEHAVIORS""; ""RESEARCH ISSUES""; ""Characterization of Interfaces and Thin Films""; ""Preparative Techniques""; ""Properties of Matter in Two Dimensions""; ""Interface Reactivity""; ""Biocompatible Surfaces and Interfaces""; ""APPLICATIONS""; ""Microelectronics in Communications and Computers""; ""Control of Corrosion, Friction, and Wear""
  • ""Structural Materials""""Energy Production""; ""National Security""; ""MANAGEMENT ISSUES""; ""Report of the Research Briefing Panel on Decision Making and Problem Solving""; ""Research Briefing Panel on Decision Making and Problem Solving""; ""Report of the Research Briefing Panel on Decision Making and Problem Solving""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""DECISION MAKING""; ""SEU Theory""; ""The Limits of Rationality""; ""Limited Rationality in Economic Theory""; ""The Theory of Games""; ""Empirical Studies of Choice Under Uncertainty""; ""Methods of Empirical Research""; ""PROBLEM SOLVING""
  • ""Contemporary Problem-Solving Theory""""Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence""; ""Dealing with Ill-Structured Problems""; ""Setting the Agenda and Representing a Problem""; ""Computation as Problem Solving""; ""Extensions of Theory""; ""Decision Making over Time""; ""Aggregation""; ""Organizations""; ""Learning""; ""CURRENT RESEARCH PROGRAMS""; ""RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES: SUMMARY""; ""Report of the Research Briefing Panel on Protein Structure and Biological Function""; ""Research Briefing Panel on Protein Structure and Biological Function""
  • ""Report of the Research Briefing Panel on Protein Structure and Biological Function""""INTRODUCTION""; ""RESEARCH GOALS""; ""The Folding Problem""; ""Protein Stability""; ""Ligand Binding""; ""Signal Transmission""; ""RECENT ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE""; ""TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES""; ""X-Ray Diffraction""; ""Area Detectors""; ""Synchrotron X-Ray Sources""; ""Computing and Graphics""; ""Neutron Diffraction""; ""Crystallization""; ""Nuclear Magnetic Resonance""; ""Synthesis of Proteins""; ""Chemical Synthesis""; ""Biological Synthesis""; ""Theory""; ""BOTTLENECKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS""
  • ""Report of the Research Briefing Panel on Prevention and Treatment of Viral Diseases""""Research Briefing Panel on Prevention and Treatment of Viral Diseases""; ""Report of the Research Briefing Panel on Prevention and Treatment of Viral Diseases""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""Prevention of Viral Diseases""; ""Treatment of Viral Diseases""; ""Target Viral Diseases""; ""RECENT ADVANCES IN MOLECULAR VIROLOGY""; ""THE STRUCTURE OF VIRUS PARTICLES""; ""SPECIFIC STRATEGIES FOR PREVENTING VIRAL DISEASES""; ""Genetically Modified Live Viruses""; ""The Use of Virus Vectors""