
Restoring and Protecting Marine Habitat : the Role of Engineering and Technology.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Staff, National Research Council
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Washington : National Academies Press, 1900.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Restoring and Protecting Marine Habitat""; ""Copyright""; ""Dedication""; ""Foreword""; ""Preface""; ""BACKGROUND""; ""THE NRC STUDY""; ""REPORT ORGANIZATION""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""DO PROTECTION, ENHANCEMENT, RESTORATION, AND CREATION TECHNOLOGIES WORK?""; ""WHAT INSTITUTIONAL IMPROVEMENTS ARE NEEDED?""; ""WHAT RESEARCH IS NEEDED TO ADVANCE THE STATE OF PRACTICE?""; ""1 Introduction""; ""MARINE HABITAT-A NATIONAL TREASURE IN DECLINE""; ""Scope of Marine Habitat Degradation and Loss""; ""Finding Balance Among Competing Objectives""
  • ""THE CHALLENGE FOR COASTAL ENGINEERING""""Overview of Scientific and Engineering Capabilities""; ""Status of Science and Engineering""; ""Scientific Tools and Techniques""; ""Coastal Engineering Tools and Techniques""; ""2 Scientific and Engineering Perspectives""; ""ECOLOGICAL SETTING""; ""THE SCOPE OF COASTAL ENGINEERING""; ""IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE COASTAL ZONE""; ""OBSERVATIONS ON THE IMPLICATIONS OF SEA LEVEL RISE TO THE APPLICATION OF PROTECTION AND RESTORATION TECHNOLOGY""; ""DEFINING SUCCESS""; ""SUMMARY""; ""3 The State of Engineering Practice in Marine Habitat Management""
  • ""RESTORATION TECHNICAL ISSUES""""Functionality Following the Application of Technology""; ""Use of Dredging and Dredged Material in Restoration""; ""APPLYING TECHNOLOGY""; ""Shoreline Engineering""; ""Estuaries""; ""Seagrass Meadows""; ""Intertidal Marshes""; ""Ecological Considerations""; ""Restoring Intertidal Marshes""; ""Mangrove Forests""; ""Coral Reefs""; ""Artificial Reefs""; ""DREDGING AND DREDGED MATERIAL PLACEMENT""; ""Historical Uses of Dredged Material""; ""Dredging and Dredged Material Placement Technology""
  • ""Application of Dredged Material to Habitat Protection and Restoration""""Underwater Berms""; ""Shallow Water Vegetated Habitats""; ""Oyster Beds""; ""ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR MINIMIZING OR AVOIDING IMPACTS TO MARINE HABITAT""; ""Improving Channel Design and Maintenance""; ""Alternatives to Access Canals for Mineral Exploration and Production in Coastal Marshes""; ""Directional Drilling""; ""Spray Dredging""; ""Air-Cushion Vehicles""; ""Management of Wastewater and Storm Water""; ""IMPLEMENTATION FACTORS AFFECTING USE OF TECHNOLOGY""
  • ""Shoreline Change Predictive Capabilities""""Time Scale Predictions""; ""Spatial Scale Predictions""; ""Performance of Habitat Protection and Restoration Projects""; ""Professional Qualifications of Practitioners""; ""Regulation of Restoration Projects""; ""General Status of Restoration Regulation""; ""SUMMARY""; ""4 The Application of Protection and Restoration Technology in Marine Habitat Management""; ""CASE STUDY FINDINGS""; ""SUMMARY""; ""5 Institutional Issues Affecting Marine Habitat Management""; ""INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES""; ""The Absence of National Direction""