Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Blood and Blood Products: Safety and Risk""; ""Copyright""; ""Foreword""; ""Preface""; ""Contents""; ""I Current Risks of Disease Transmission ""; ""Blood and Blood Components: How Safe Are They Today?""; ""Viral Inactivation of Blood Products: A General Overview""; ""TRANSFUSION PLASMA""; ""BLOOD CELL CONCENTRATES""; ""RED BLOOD CELL CONCENTRATES""; ""PLATELET CONCENTRATES""; ""II Guarding the Blood Supply ""; ""The Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study: Rationale and Methods""; ""Demographic and Serologic Characteristics of Volunteer Blood Donors""; ""CDC Surveillance of Donors""
  • ""DISCUSSION""""Surveillance of Recipients""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""CDC Surveillance of High-Risk Recipients""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""CDC Surveillance for Unknown Pathogens""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""III New Ideas for Safety and Monitoring ""; ""Information Technology and Blood Safety""; ""Strategies for Dealing with Potentially Infected Recipients""; ""IV Risk Tolerance ""; ""Beneficial Aspects of Surgical Transfusion""; ""Trade-off of the Risk of Hepatitis and the Benefit of Clotting Factor Concentrates in the 1970s and 1980s""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""Examples of Risks That We Tolerate""; ""DISCUSSION""
  • ""V Risk Communication """"A Mental Model Approach to Risk Communication""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""Risk Communication: Building Credibility""; ""ROLE OF INFORMATION""; ""THE ROLE OF RISK NUMBERS""; ""THE ROLE OF RISK COMPARISONS""; ""SOURCES OF CONFLICT""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""Attitudes Toward Risk: The Right to Know and the Right to Give Informed Consent""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""Patients, Informed Consent, and the Health Care Team""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""Communication of Risk and Uncertainty to Patients""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""VI No-Fault Insurance ""
  • ""Administrative and ""No-Fault"" Systems for Compensating Medically Related Injuries""""The Colorado and Utah Models of Compensating Patient Injury""; ""DISCUSSION""; ""VII Concluding Remarks ""; ""Henrik H. Bendixen""; ""Appendixes""; ""A Acronyms and Abbreviations ""; ""B Workshop Participants ""; ""WORKSHOP ON BLOOD BANK OPERATIONS July 23-24, 1994""; ""WORKSHOP ON RISK AND REGULATION July 23-24, 1995""; ""WORKSHOP ON MANAGING THREATS TO THE BLOOD SUPPLY September 21-22, 1995""