Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""PREPARING FOR THE WORKPLACE""; ""Copyright""; ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Executive Summary""; ""FINDINGS""; ""CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""Principles to Guide Federal Action""; ""Fostering High-Quality Training""; ""Improving Federal Programs""; ""Encouraging Systemic Reform""; ""1 Introduction ""; ""THE COMMITTEE'S CHARGE: POSTSECONDARY TRAINING""; ""Who Gets Postsecondary Training?""; ""Postsecondary Training for What Jobs?""; ""Postsecondary Training and the Labor Market""; ""Postsecondary Training and the American Economy""; ""STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT""; ""NOTES""
  • ""2 Overview of Postsecondary Training Institutions and Programs """"INSTITUTIONS OF POSTSECONDARY TRAINING""; ""Community and Technical Colleges""; ""Proprietary Vocational Schools""; ""Area Vocational Schools and Adult Education Schools""; ""Community-Based Organizations""; ""Apprenticeship""; ""Employer-Sponsored Training""; ""Military Training""; ""Summary""; ""FEDERAL POSTSECONDARY TRAINING PROGRAMS""; ""Student Financial Assistance""; ""The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1990""; ""Adult Education Programs""; ""Vocational Rehabilitation""
  • ""The Job Training Partnership Act""""The Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training Program""; ""Dislocated Worker Programs""; ""Summary""; ""NOTES""; ""3 Diagnosing the Health of Postsecondary Training ""; ""ACCESS AND INFORMATION""; ""Access to Qualifying Training""; ""Access to Skills Improvement Training""; ""Access to Retraining""; ""Access to Second-Chance Training""; ""Information About Training Options""; ""RESULTS""; ""A Framework for Analysis: Value Added Versus Outcomes""; ""The Evidence""; ""Community Colleges and Proprietary Schools""; ""Skills Improvement Training""
  • ""Retraining""""Second-Chance Training""; ""INCENTIVES, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND QUALITY""; ""CONNECTIONS WITH EMPLOYERS""; ""OVERLAP, DUPLICATION, COORDINATION, AND ARTICULATION""; ""SUMMARY""; ""NOTES""; ""4 U.S. Training in International Perspective ""; ""CONNECTIONS TO EMPLOYERS""; ""Qualifying Training""; ""Germany""; ""Japan""; ""Australia""; ""Britain""; ""Skills Improvement Training""; ""NATIONAL STANDARDS AND SKILLS CERTIFICATION""; ""PATHWAYS FROM SCHOOL TO WORK""; ""CONCLUSION""; ""NOTES""; ""5 The Federal Role in Postsecondary Training ""; ""SCOPE OF FEDERAL RESPONSIBILITY""
  • ""POINTS OF LEVERAGE""""PRINCIPLES TO GUIDE FEDERAL ACTION""; ""NOTES""; ""6 Fostering High-Quality Training ""; ""THE DEBATE OVER STANDARDS""; ""Definitions""; ""The Mix of Design and Outcome Standards""; ""Identifying Appropriate Measures""; ""Setting Design and Outcome Criteria""; ""Creating an Institutional Structure""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""Skills Standards""; ""Better Information Systems""; ""Capacity Building""; ""NOTES""; ""7 Improving Federal Programs ""; ""POLICY INSTRUMENTS FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES""; ""Vouchers""; ""Contracts""; ""Grants""; ""Direct Provision""; ""Tax Expenditures""