Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface; A word from the editors; Background and context ; The Lisbon Recognition Convention as a paradigmatic shift and a change of the philosophy of recognition: between reflection and sentiment ; Origins, history and evolution of the Lisbon Recognition Convention: a view of the past and a look at the future; Regional perspectives; The Lisbon Recognition Convention in the South Pacifi; A perspective from the South Caucasus: the case of Armenia; A perspective from South-Eastern Europe
  • No development without recognition.
  • Implementing the Lisbon Recognition Convention: a perspective from an EU member stateThe Lisbon Recognition Convention at 15: a perspective from Turkey; Stakeholder perspectives; Making fair recognition a reality: a student point of view; Are conventions on recognition of higher education qualifications a limitation of academic freedom and university autonomy?; A university perspective on recognition; Instruments of recognition; Quality assurance as an element of international recognition; Qualifications frameworks as a recognition tool.
  • Substantial difference
  • An essential principle in promoting mobility and recognitionLearning outcomes as a tool for recognition; With both feet on the ground: EAR projects, instruments for recognition; Challenges; Recognition in a broader policy context; Challenges to recognition from an ENIC perspective; Recognition through rankings?; Automatic academic recognition: grasping the nettle; Recognition of qualifications not linked to an education syste; A multi-faceted challenge: the recognition of non-formal education; About the editors and authors.