Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Metric system
  • Basic optical math
  • Light, lasers, polarization, interference, and fluorescence
  • Speed of light and refractive index
  • Snell's law
  • Critical angle
  • Total internal reflection
  • Types of lenses
  • Reflection and mirrors
  • Power of lenses
  • Vergence equation
  • Multiple lens systems
  • Magnification by lenses
  • Prisms and dispersion
  • Power of mirrors
  • Spherical lenses
  • Cylindrical lenses
  • Spherocylindrical lenses
  • Optical cross
  • Conoid of sturm
  • Optical system of the human eye
  • Refracting power of a curved surface
  • Accommodation
  • Refractive errors
  • Prentice's rule, decentration, and induced prism
  • Spectacle lenses
  • Contact lenses.