Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Table of Contents; Politics and Aesthetics: Introduction / Anneka Esch-van Kan, Stephan Packard, Philipp Schulte; I. Thinking; Introduction / Stephan Packard; From the 'Plebs' to the 'Demos': Two Notions of Political Subjectification / Maria Muhle; Democratic Politics in the Age of Post-Fordism / Chantal Mouffe; As If We Could Trust: Fiction and Aesthetics of the Political / Josef Früchtl; The Political and the Violent: On Resistances / Dieter Mersch; All in Good Time? Fiction and the Possibility of Historic Events / Friedrich Balke.
  • Doing or Not Doing: Politics, Aesthetics, Performance / Jacques RancièreII. Resisting; Introduction / Anneka Esch-van Kan; Ethical Ambivalence / Judith Butler; Thinking Politics Concretely: Negation, Affirmation, and the Dialectics of Dialectics and Non-Dialectics / Frank Ruda; Is Utopianism Dead? / Simon Critchley; Abu Ghraib and the Society of the Spectacle of the Scaffold / Jon McKenzie; ""Torture Chicks"": Resistance and the Political in Coco Fusco's A Room of One's Own and A Field Guide for Female Interrogators / Anneka Esch-van Kan.
  • 'Prendre la parole': Voices of Resistance in Contemporary Theory / Andreas HetzelIII. Reading; Introduction / Anneka Esch-van Kan and Philipp Schulte; Reading Political Theories (not) Reading: Towards a Contemporary Realism of Reference / Armen Avanessian; Contesting ""the Democratic Chattering of the Letter"": Politics of Commentary in 20th Century Literature / Wim Peeters; Realism Today: Art, Politics, and the Critique of Representation / Juliane Rebentisch; 'Plus d'un rôle': Playing Together in Contemporary Dance, Theatre, and Performance / Nikolaus Müller-Schöll.
  • Alternative Genealogies: Critique and Style in Contemporary Performance Art / Philipp SchulteWhy are Story Arcs Dark and Gritty? On the Metaphysics of Seriality in 'Dexter' and Kammerer / Stephan Packard; Critical Reflections on the Ontological Illusion: Rethinking the Relation between Art and Politics / Gabriel Rockhill; Contributors.