
An Employment-oriented Investment Strategy for Europe.

Against a backdrop of sluggish economic conditions and continued weak job creation, the investment plan proposed by the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker would provide a rapid economic stimulus that would foster Europe's competitiveness at the same time as boosting much-needed e...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor Corporativo: International Labour Office
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Geneva : International Labour Office, 2015.
Colección:Studies on growth with equity.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Figure 8 Evolution of ALMPs and PES in the EU3 TOWARDS A COHERENT, ; BALANCED AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH STRATEGY; Immediate measures need to be embedded; ... third, promotes balanced reforms of labour market institutions ... ; Figure 9 Involuntary temporary and part-time employment, 2007 and 2013; ... and finally, supports an inclusive; MACROECONOMIC CONTEXT DETERMINES; Table 2 Assessment and indicators of macroeconomic performance; ESTIMATING THE EMPLOYMENT-INVESTMENT ELASTICITY:; REFERENCES; AN EMPLOYMENT-ORIENTED; INVESTMENT STRATEGY FOR EUROPE.
  • TABLE OF CONTENTS; LIST OF FIGURES; LIST OF TABLES; LIST OF BOXES; KEY POLICY OPTIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS; A call for action; Employment impact of the Investment Plan; Need to lay the groundwork for a balanced and sustained strategy; INTRODUCTION; A GROWTH, INVESTMENT AND EMPLOYMENT NEXUS IN THE EU:; 1 GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT IN THE EU; Limited growth in the EU has; ... and the recovery is losing momentum.; Figure 1 Economic and employment in the EU: Forecasts and performances; Figure 2 Unemployment and long-term unemployment in EU-28; 2 LABOUR MARKET CHALLENGES PERSIST.
  • Poor labour market conditions are hampering prospects3 UNDERLYING SLOW GROWTH IN JOBS; IS A SHORTFALL IN INVESTMENT; Persistent weakness of investment is one; Figure 3 Investment and employment relationship; ... so the Investment Plan proposed is a step in the right direction.; Box 1 Investment Plan framework; But must avoid "business as usual" in terms of funding allocation; Figure 4 Distribution of EIB funding in the EU-28, 2007-2013; B MAXIMIZING THE EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS; 1 SCENARIO 1:; €63 BILLION VS €315 BILLION.
  • Figure 5 Potential employment impact of the Investment Plan versus ILO forecasts2 SCENARIO 2:; FUNDING ALLOCATION TAKING INTO ACCOUNT; Figure 6 Employment outcomes under different Investment Plan allocations; 3 SCENARIO 3:; 4 EFFECT ON PUBLIC FINANCES:; Figure 7 Net employment gains of directing funds towards ALMPs; A STRATEGY TO ENSURE SUCCESS; 1 SUPPORTING THE PRIVATE SECTOR, ; 2 ENSURING WORKERS HAVE THE SKILLS AND SUPPORT; Box 2 Measures to restore credit flows to SMEs; Table 1 Examples of measures aimed to support skills and job creation; Box 3 Resources for ALMPs.