Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Front Matter""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Contents""; ""Tables, Figures, and Box""; ""Abbreviations and Acronyms""; ""Executive Summary""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Threat and Risk Assessment""; ""3 Philosophy, Doctrine, and Training for Chemical and Biological Warfare""; ""4 Physical Protection""; ""5 Decontamination""; ""6 Testing and Evaluation""; ""7 Assessment of Military Capabilities to Provide Emergency Response""; ""8 Summary and General Recommendations""; ""References""
  • ""Appendix A Funding Levels for Fiscal Years 1996â€?2000 for the Joint Service Chemical/Biological Defense Program""""Appendix B Textiles and Garments for Chemical and Biological Protection""; ""Appendix C Evaluations of Barrier Creams""; ""Appendix D Evaluating Skin Decontamination Techniques""; ""Appendix E Percutaneous Absorption""; ""Appendix F Contributors to This Study""; ""Appendix G Biographical Sketches of Principal Investigators and Members of the Advisory Panel""