Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Incorporating Science, Economics, and Sociology in Developing Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards in International Trade""; ""Copyright""; ""Preface""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""Contents""; ""Overview""; ""CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION""; ""CURRENT INSTITUTIONS FOR MANAGING SPS ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE""; ""Background""; ""Provisions of the SPS Agreement""; ""DISCUSSION OF ISSUES RELATED TO SPS MANAGEMENT IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE""; ""Broadening Cultural Perspectives for Systematic Risk Analysis""; ""Science: The Challenges of Risk Assessment""
  • ""Economics: Measuring the Costs and Benefits of SPS Management Strategies""""Political Science: Establishing International Discipline While Preserving National Sovereignty""; ""SUMMARY""; ""Prospects for the Future""; ""1 Historical and Social Science Perspectives on the Role of Risk Assessment and Science in Protecting ... ""; ""HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON PROTECTIONISM""; ""A PERSPECTIVE ON RISK ASSESSMENT""; ""THE IMPORTANCE OF ADJUSTMENT POLICIES""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""Part I Agricultural Trade, Risk Assessment, and the Role of Culturein Risk Management""
  • ""2 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Risk Management in the Post-Uruguay Round Era: An Economic Perspective """"THE SPS AGREEMENT: ORIGIN AND PRINCIPAL PROVISIONS""; ""Origin of the SPS Agreement""; ""Principal Provisions of the SPS Agreement""; ""COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF SPS REGULATIONS""; ""IS THE SPS AGREEMENT CONGRUENT WITH EXECUTIVE BRANCH GUIDELINES?""; ""Costs""; ""Benefits""; ""Distributional Issues""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""3 An Overview of Risk Assessment ""; ""RISK AND TRADE BARRIERS""; ""WHAT IS RISK ASSESSMENT?""; ""Hazard Identification""; ""Dose-Response Assessment""
  • ""SELECTING TOXICOLOGICAL ENDPOINTS: WHAT DO WE EVALUATE?""""Exposure Assessment""; ""Risk Characterizationâ€? What Are the Consequences? Is There a Problem?""; ""DETERMINISTIC RISK ASSESSMENT""; ""PROBABILISTIC RISK ASSESSMENT""; ""PROTECTING HUMANS, PLANTS, AND WILDLIFE""; ""Human Healthâ€? Pesticide Residues in Food""; ""How Safe Is Our Food Supply in Terms of Pesticide Residues?""; ""Plants, Domestic Animals, and Wildlife""; ""Introduction of Exotic Species""; ""RISK ASSESSMENT OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED ORGANISMS""; ""HOW CAN WE BE FOOLED? UNPROVABLE RISKS""
  • ""FUTURE PROBLEMS-SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENTS ABOUT RISK ASSESSMENT""""Individual versus Population-Level Effects""; ""Population Structure and Susceptibility""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""4 Technological Risk and Cultures of Rationality ""; ""DIMENSIONS OF CROSS-NATIONAL VARIANCE""; ""Framing""; ""Styles of Regulation""; ""Acceptable Evidence""; ""Forms of Expertise""; ""Nature of Regulatory Standards""; ""VARIETIES OF CULTURAL EXPLANATION""; ""The Role of Political Structure""; ""The Functionalist Approach""; ""Interpretive Approaches""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""REFERENCES""