Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Propriétés fines des fonctions hyperharmoniques dans une théorie axiomatique du potentiel [R23]Zum Cauchyschen und Dirichletschen Problem bei elliptischen und parabolischen Differentialgleichungen [R24]; Mesures avec une image donnée [R25]; The part metric in convex sets [R26]; An open mapping theorem for convex sets with only one part [R27]; Theorems of Korovkin type for adapted spaces [R29]; Convergence of monotone operators [R30]; Korovkin approximation in C0(X) [R32] (with Klaus Donner); Approximation and abstract boundaries [S12]; Halbgruppen und Resolventen in der Potentialtheorie [S15]
  • Harmonic spaces
  • a survey [S21]Heat balls and Fulks measures [R34]; Simplicial function spaces and simplexes [R35]; Fine boundary limits of harmonic and caloric functions [R36]; Simplices in potential theory [S24]; Fine boundary limits and maximal sequences [R39]; Behaviour of solutions of elliptic-parabolic differential equations at irregular boundary points [S26]; Acknowledgements; Bibliography