
The book of CSS3 : a developer's guide to the future of web design /

This completely updated second edition distills the dense technical language of the CSS3 specification into plain English and shows you what CSS3 can do now, in all major browsers. You'll find fully revised coverage of the updated syntax of gradients, grids, and flexible box layout, as well as...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Gasston, Peter (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: San Francisco : No Starch Press, [2015]
Edición:2nd edition.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Machine generated contents note: Scope of This Book
  • Chapter by Chapter
  • Appendices and Further Resources
  • Introduction to the Second Edition
  • What CSS3 Is and How It Came to Be
  • Brief History of CSS3
  • CSS3 Is Modular
  • There Is No CSS3
  • Module Status and the Recommendation Process
  • Introducing the Syntax
  • Vendor Prefixes
  • Let's Get Started
  • Advantages of Media Queries
  • Syntax
  • Media Features
  • Width and Height
  • Pixel Ratio
  • Device Width and Height
  • Orientation
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Multiple Media Features
  • Mobile-First Web Development
  • Summary
  • Media Queries: Browser Support
  • Attribute Selectors
  • New Attribute Selectors in CSS3
  • Beginning Substring Attribute Value Selector
  • Ending Substring Attribute Value Selector
  • Arbitrary Substring Attribute Value Selector
  • Multiple Attribute Selectors
  • General Sibling Combinator
  • Summary
  • Selectors: Browser Support
  • Structural Pseudo-classes
  • :nth-* Pseudo-classes
  • :first-of-type, :last-child, and :last-of-type
  • :only-child and :only-of-type
  • Other Pseudo-classes
  • :target
  • :empty
  • :root
  • :not()
  • UI Element States
  • Constraint Validation Pseudo-classes
  • Pseudo-elements
  • ::selection Pseudo-element
  • Summary
  • DOM and Attribute Selectors: Browser Support
  • @font-face Rule
  • Defining Different Faces
  • True vs.
  • Artificial Font Faces
  • "Bulletproof" @font-face Syntax
  • Using Local Fonts
  • Font Formats
  • Final "Bulletproof" Syntax
  • Licensing Fonts for Web Use
  • Real-World Web Fonts Example
  • Controlling Font Loading
  • More Font Properties
  • font-size-adjust
  • font-stretch
  • OpenType Features
  • Enabling Font Features
  • Font Feature Properties
  • Summary
  • Web Fonts: Browser Support
  • Understanding Axes and Coordinates
  • Applying Dimensional Effects: text-shadow
  • Multiple Shadows
  • Restricting Overflow
  • Aligning Text
  • Controlling Line Wrapping
  • Breaking Words
  • Hyphenating Words
  • Resizing Elements
  • Summary
  • Text Effects and Typographic Styles: Browser Support
  • Column Layout Methods
  • Prescriptive Columns: column-count
  • Dynamic Columns: column-width
  • Varying Distribution of Content Across Columns
  • Combining column-count and column-width
  • Column Gaps and Rules
  • Containing Elements Within Columns
  • Elements Spanning Multiple Columns
  • Summary
  • Multiple Columns: Browser Support
  • Updates to Existing Background Properties
  • background-position
  • background-attachment
  • background-repeat
  • Multiple Background Images
  • Dynamically Scaled Background Images
  • Background Clip and Origin
  • Updated Background Shortcut
  • Summary
  • Background Images: Browser Support
  • Giving Your Borders Rounded Corners
  • border-radius Shorthand
  • Using Percentage Values
  • Using Images for Borders
  • border-image-source
  • border-image-slice
  • border-image-width
  • border-image-outset
  • border-image-repeat
  • border-image Shorthand Property
  • Browser Support
  • Drop Shadows
  • Inset Shadows
  • Summary
  • Border and Box Effects: Browser Support
  • opacity Property
  • New and Extended Color Values
  • Alpha Channel
  • Hue, Saturation, Lightness
  • HSLA
  • Color Variable: currentColor
  • Summary
  • Color and Opacity: Browser Support
  • Linear Gradients
  • Setting Gradient Direction
  • Adding Extra Color-Stop Values
  • Repeating Linear Gradients
  • Radial Gradients
  • Using Radial Gradients
  • Using Multiple Color-Stop Values
  • Repeating Radial Gradients
  • Multiple Gradients
  • Summary
  • Gradients: Browser Support
  • transform Property
  • rotate
  • translate
  • scale
  • skew
  • Important Note About Transformation Functions
  • Transforming Elements with Matrices
  • Summary
  • 2D Transformations: Browser Support
  • 3D Elements in CSS
  • Transformation Functions
  • Rotation Around an Axis
  • Perspective
  • Translation Along the Axis
  • Scaling
  • Transformation Matrix
  • perspective and perspective-origin Properties
  • Transformation Origin
  • transform-style Property
  • Showing or Hiding the Backface
  • Summary
  • 3D Transformations: Browser Support
  • Transitions
  • transition-property
  • transition-duration
  • transition-timing-function
  • transition-delay
  • transition Shorthand Property
  • Complete Transition Example
  • Multiple Transitions
  • Animations
  • Keyframes
  • animation-name
  • animation-duration
  • animation-timing-function
  • animation-delay
  • animation-iteration-count
  • animation-direction
  • animation-fill-mode
  • animation-play-state
  • animation Shorthand
  • Complete Animations Example
  • Multiple Animations
  • Summary
  • Transitions and Animations: Browser Support
  • Declaring the Flexible Box Model
  • Flexbox Alignment
  • Reversing the Content Order
  • Fully Reordering Content
  • Adding Flexibility
  • flex-grow Property
  • flex-shrink Property
  • flex-basis Property
  • flex Shorthand
  • Alignment Inside the Container
  • Horizontal Alignment with justify-content
  • Vertical Alignment with align-items
  • Cross-Axis Alignment with align-self
  • Wrap and Flow
  • flex-flow Shorthand
  • Aligning Multiple Lines with align-content
  • Browser Support and Legacy Syntaxes
  • Summary
  • Flexbox: Browser Support
  • Relative Length Units
  • Root-Relative Units
  • Viewport-Relative Units
  • Calculated Values
  • Sizing Elements
  • Box Sizing
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Sizing
  • Summary
  • Values and Sizing: Browser Support
  • Grid Terminology
  • Declaring and Defining the Grid
  • Creating Explicit Grids by Setting Track Size
  • Placing Items in an Explicit Grid
  • Grid Placement Shorthand Properties
  • Repeating Grid Lines
  • Named Grid Areas
  • grid-template Shorthand
  • Implicit Grids
  • Grid Items Without a Declared Place
  • Combining Explicit and Implicit Grids
  • grid Shorthand
  • Grid Item Stacking Order
  • Internet Explorer's Grid Layout Syntax
  • Summary
  • Grid Layout: Browser Support
  • Blend Modes
  • background-blend-mode
  • mix-blend-mode
  • isolation
  • Filter Effects
  • blur()
  • brightness() and contrast()
  • grayscale(), sepia(), and saturate()
  • hue-rotate()
  • opacity()
  • drop-shadow()
  • Multiple Filter Effect Functions
  • Filters in SVG
  • Masking
  • Clipping
  • Image Masking
  • Border Masking
  • Masking in SVG
  • Combining Filter Effects and Masking
  • Summary
  • Blend Modes, Filter Effects, and Masking: Browser Support
  • Shapes
  • Exclusions
  • Regions
  • Variables
  • Feature Queries
  • Device Adaptation
  • Sticky Positioning
  • And Much, Much More
  • Conclusion
  • Future CSS: Browser Support
  • Media Queries (Chapter 2)
  • Selectors (Chapter 3)
  • DOM and Attribute Selectors (Chapter 4)
  • Web Fonts (Chapter 5)
  • Text Effects and Typographic Styles (Chapter 6)
  • Multiple Columns (Chapter 7)
  • Background Images (Chapter 8)
  • Border and Box Effects (Chapter 9)
  • Color and Opacity (Chapter 10)
  • Gradients (Chapter 11)
  • 2D Transformations (Chapter 12)
  • 3D Transformations (Chapter 13)
  • Transitions and Animations (Chapter 14)
  • Flexbox (Chapter 15)
  • Values and Sizing (Chapter 16)
  • Grid Layout (Chapter 17)
  • Blend Modes, Filter Effects, and Masking (Chapter 18)
  • Future CSS (Chapter 19)
  • General CSS Resources
  • Chapter 2: Media Queries
  • Chapters 3 and 4: Selectors, and Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
  • Chapters 5 and 6: Web Fonts, and Text Effects and Typographic Styles
  • Chapter 7: Multiple Columns
  • Chapters 8 and 9: Background Images, and Border and Box Effects
  • Chapter 10: Color and Opacity
  • Chapter 11: Gradients
  • Chapters 12 and 13: 2D and 3D Transformations
  • Chapter 14: Transitions and Animations
  • Chapter 15: Flexible Box Layout
  • Chapter 16: Values and Sizing
  • Chapter 17: Grid Layout
  • Chapter 18: Blend Modes, Filter Effects, and Masking
  • Chapter 19: The Future of CSS.