
The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook : a Comprehensive Guide to Biology and Laboratory Use.

The green alga Chlamydomonas is widely used as an experimental model system for studies in cellular and molecular biology, and in particular plant molecular biology. This book is the only single modern compendium of information on its biology and in particular its molecular biology and genetics. Inc...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Harris, Elizabeth H.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Burlington : Elsevier Science, 1989.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; TheChlamydomonasSourcebook:A Comprehensive Guide to Biology and Laboratory Use; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. An Overview of the Genus Chlamydomonas; Introduction; Description of the Genus; Chlamydomonas Genetics: 1830-1960; Origins of the Major Laboratory Strains of Chlamydomonas; Other Chlamydomonas Species Used Experimentally; Chapter 2. Culture and Storage Methods; Introduction; Culture Media for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Growing Chlamydomonas in Liquid Media; Cultures on Agar.
  • Isolation of Chlamydomonas Species from NatureMailing Chlamydomonas Cultures; Storage of Chlamydomonas Strains; Chapter 3. Cell Architecture and Division; Introduction; Early Studies of Cell Architecture; The Cell Wall; The Nucleus; Mitochondria; Basal Bodies, Flagellar Roots, and Cellular Microtubules; The Eyespot; Vacuoles, Microbodies, and Other Cellular Inclusions; Mitosis; Meiosis; The Debate over Chromosome Number; Mutational Disruption of Cell Structure and Division; The Cell Cycle in Synchronous Cultures; Chapter 4. The Sexual Cycle; Introduction.
  • Types of Sexual Reproduction within the Genus ChlamydomonasDesignation of Mating Types in Heterothallic Species; Sexual Incompatibility within the C. moewusii Group; Stages in the Reproductive Process; Perturbations of the Mating Process; Experimental Techniques for Mating Chlamydomonas; Tests for Mating Type; Quantitative Measurements of Mating; Vegetative Diploids; Chapter 5. Motility ; Introduction; Flagellar Structure and Organization; Flagellar Assembly; Mutations Affecting Flagellar Structure and Function; The Mechanism of Flagellar Motion.
  • Gliding Movement and Flagellar Surface MotilityCell Behavior; Chapter 6. Metabolism; Introduction; Acetate Flagellates; Starch Degradation; Respiration; Nonspecific Phosphatases; Nitrogen Assimilation; Sulfur Metabolism; Vitamins and Cofactors; Physiological Ecology; Excretion of Metabolic Products into the Medium; Why So Few Auxotrophs?; Effects of Herbicides and Metabolic Inhibitors on Chlamydomonas; Chapter 7. Photosynthesis; Introduction; Photosynthesis and Chloroplast Structure; Chlorophyll Synthesis; Carotenoid Pigments; Other Pigment-Deficient Mutants.
  • Chloroplast Development in the y-1 MutantChapter 8. Organelle Heredity; Introduction; Inheritance of Chloroplast Genes in Crosses; Mutations That Alter Transmission of Chloroplast Genes; Genetic Mapping of Chloroplast Genes; Uniparental and Biparental Inheritance of Chloroplast Genes in Other Chlamydomonas Species; Chloroplast Genome Structure; Transcription and Translation of Chloroplast Genes; The Mitochondrial Genome; The Role of Mating Type in Organelle Gene Transmission; Chapter 9. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis; Introduction; Chlamydomonas DNA: Characterization and Synthesis.