
Collected Articles of the 3rd International Linguistics Conference (Taganrog, Russia).

This book is a collection of articles in English, German and French which were presented at the 3rd International Linguistics Conference on the Questions of the Theory of the Language and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages in Taganrog, Russia.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Klikushina, Tatiana G.
Otros Autores: Polenova, Galina T.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Table of contents; introduction; part i; diachronie der opposition"singular/plural"; the typology of the displayof the category "person/not-person"in the interrogative pronouns"who?" and "what?"; case category; anthropomorphism in the worldpicture; relations of possessionin germanic languages; opposition relations within the systemof personal pronouns-subjectsof statements; referenz als der anhaltspunkteiner bedeutungsklassifikation; die vermutliche älteste quelleüber die jenissejer; the cognitive typology of sub-basicand super-basic englishand ket verbs of motion.
  • The nature of phraseosyntacticschemes and the problemof their researchconcept; la diathèse, est-ce une notionuniverselle dans la langue?; syntactic wholes and complexand compound sentencesin the functional and semantic fieldof cause and effect in english; part ii; about the uniqueness and productivityof blends; how unique are blends?; the somatizm "heart" in englishand tajik idioms; the pragmatic and communicativepotential of the english proverbs; the expression of mentalactions and states; an etymological dictionaryof shetland norn; the use of anglicismsin modern discourse.
  • The origin of the concept of "zapad"(west) in the russian mentalityphraseosyntactic schemes with whwordsin the languages of differentsystems (english, russian and spanish); caractéristiques sémantiqueset structurelles des expressionsverbales idiomatiques empruntéesau français; the ideal cognitive contentof the concepts "uchitel" and "uchenie"in biblical texts; the analysis of a borrowed russiansubsystem in the ket lexicon; grundprinzipiender phraseographischenbeschreibung des kirgisischen; im ausgangspunkt der samarkanderphraseologischen schule.
  • Informationsrichtungenin der phraseologischen schulezu samarkand (in historischer hinsicht)names of unique plants in albanian; part iii:text; role of means of verbal influencein marking semantic contentsof language units (mass medialanguage as an example); the texts of contemporary americanadvertisements and commercials; metaphor as a means of languageworld picture organizingin the english and russianlinguocultures; scientific and naive images of spaceand time in russian and englishfolk texts (through the exampleof proverbs); on text linguistics.
  • Funktional-kommunikativeeigenschaften von nomina agentismethod structure in russianand ukrainian linguistic traditions; zwischen überschrift und text; les particularités linguistiquesde la communication par internet.le fonctionnement des empruntsdans la parole des internautes russes; part iv; das redeverhalten der russischenpolitiker nach der latenteneinwirkenden strategie; dialogical speechin linguo-didactic interpretation; funktionelle und latentepragmalinguistik; valeur grammaticaleet son actualization; gender issues in malaysianparliamentary discourse; part v.